Chapter 5

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Alex's POV:

"Mom!!!" Kelly shouted as she rushed over to the lying body.

"Martha?" I mumbled and rushed over.

"Mom! mom what happened? who did this? Mom speak something. Mom! "Kelly exclaimed and started crying as she saw her mother lying on the ground with her chest shot and blood gushing out of it. Dark, red blood was all over Kelly's hands by now.

"Martha, who did this say something please, where are mom and dad?" I asked, tears welling up in my eyes making my vision blur, daring to fall down.

She pointed her finger towards the house in a rather feeble state, panicked I rushed to the big wooden styled door of my house and froze when I saw approximately ten men dressed all in black, loaded with guns surrounding my mother, father, and brother. A man of about my father's age, with brown hair, sharp features, and a fit body stood in between those men also pointing a gun towards my dad. He looked as if he was their boss. I don't know if it was a gut feeling or God himself had sent restricted me because I kept quiet and just observed the scene in front of me. My mind seemed to be frozen and had blocked all the thoughts, I just could not think... What was happening? Luckily my mother saw me and mouthed me to run away as fast as I could, but no, I could not leave them here, they were my family, I knew nothing and kept on standing all the while trying to think about ways to get out of this situation.

"What did we do to you?" My father asked the man who was the boss.

"You are asking what you did Henry?" He said and started laughing like a maniac. There is something about the laugh of people. They seem to be so cunning and different then the others smile  "Even though I warned you not to file a case against me, threatened you to withdraw your name for president's post and told you to get away from my way, you still stood against me. I tried to make it easier by putting a false accusation on you so you could go to jail, and when you would come back I would have been already in the president's position but you, you went against me. No one stands against me I am the greatest and now that you have dishonored my commands you will pay. Or wait your whole family will pay" The man said sternly and again started laughing.

The second he mentioned false accusation I figured out who he was, he was none other than Mr. James the owner of Bay Producers who was also running for president. My parents had finally put up a case against him.

"You are a fool, James. What do you think no one will know about it?" my mother spatted out

"Oh, dear look at your anger Lena. Drop it, it's not good for you and the answer to your question DO YOU THINK I AM A FOOL! no, I am not, I have planned it in such a way that it would look as if you all committed suicide. And I can make it look that way pretty easily. How do you think I was in power as a state official and the head of a multi-dollar company all these years.?" James said smirking as he brushed off the imaginary dust off his gun

"You moron, you will pay for what you are doing. "mom shouted again at him indirectly giving me more time to leave.

James stared at her with an expressionless face and replied "Done? now let's start by" he glanced around the three "Aha you Mr. Henry" He continued pointing a gun towards him "and then you Lena and then we will consider your child here" he said pointing to my brother who was already in a fit of rage for he could not bear the noises.

As he said those words he shot my father, and before I could foretell any happenings I watched as the bullet ripped through my mother's forehead amidst the shattering crying state of my brother.I slightly gasped as I stood there lost, shocked, broken, and frozen with hundreds of emotions running in my mind, prominently fear, sadness, and utter shock, containing the anger in me I stood there and watched as he took my little brother in his hands. I was so helpless, I had never seen anyone getting shot lest my parents. I couldn't do anything everything was becoming blurry, tears threatened to come out. I was at a stage where my body wanted me to feel but I had become way too numb. It was like the tears were brimming in my eyes and they couldn't hold them anymore. Everything fell apart when he shot my brother, my one-year-old innocent brother who knew nothing about what was happening was shot in front of my eyes, Matthew was no longer alive. And that's when I could no longer hold back. 

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