Chapter 24

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Sorry for typos...

Kelly's POV:

I absolutely love my life. Though it is a little rough, okay who am I kidding it's totally rough. Ever since the escape from our home, it has become very adventurous and full of love- Jeremy. I have moved on from the fact that my life has changed and that my mother is no longer a part of my life. I am solely living the fact that we have to fight back because it is what Alex and I want and other too who remain under covers of injustice. She never held herself well even though she said that she had moved on probably because she had lost more than me. And now standing in front of the boys in a cute dress which is deadly armed watching them talk I realized that maybe Ethan would be a change for Alex. I know he understands her and that her being with someone new and sharing the thoughts stuck in her head would help her because nowadays she doesn't talk to me.

In front of me, Eth and Jerry are talking about a certain ritual that men follow when Alex comes out of her room looking beautiful than ever. From the corner of my eye, I could see Ethan's jaw nearly touching the floor with his eyes sparkling in amazement. He was bad in hiding. Deciding to give them some personal time I grabbed Jeremy's collar and moved towards the car. 

After what felt like an hour, we finally reached the club. As we moved in with my hand around Ethan along with Alex on the other side a couple came up and started regarding Ethan and Alex as a married couple and me as his sister. Now you must be puzzled about the situation. Actually, the club has another room which is meant for more mature society who usually hold meetings, then it has a lounge for Jeff as it is his club and then the main club with drunk teenagers and others.The conversation the couple and Alex were having was amusing. I tried to control the laughter bubble inside me but miserably failed and started laughing like a maniac. The expression on Alex's face was memorable. Suddenly Alex started dragging him away.

"Hey, everything okay?" I said still trying to control my laughter

"Ya just some certain jerk head over here was getting distracted" She said 

We moved towards the lounge room but was stopped at the gates by a security guard. We eventually got past that problem and I quickly dragged Ethan to one of the seats.

"You admire her don't you?" I said

"Ad-me -phew no. Why would I admire the hard-headed " He said 

"Uh huh I saw you gaping at her back at our place" I said crossing my hands over my chest

"No, I was not staring at her" He said I glared at him playfully " Okay maybe I was, it's just that she looks different, nothing less nothing more." He said and turned away

"Whatever floats your boat" I said as Alex came by

"I found him.Ethan come along  with me and Kelly keep an eye around." She said with her usual emotionless voice which she has before any mission.

I see them sitting at the poker table with Jeff. Trying to fit in, I move to another poker table and start playing. After half an hour or so after Alex and Ethan moved towards Jeff's personal room I saw Ethan talking to one the girls in the corner of the room. I look around and find Alex nowhere. Sensing some danger I go up to him.

"Excuse me, ladies, I would like to steal this young man away from you" I said dragging him by the collar taking him near the washroom

"Where is Alex?" I said in a low voice

"Oh she is with Jeff, he wanted to talk to her without me and so sent me down" He said casually flaring up the spark of anger in me

"What do you mean he wanted to talk to her? Don't you think its-" I said but was cut off when Jeremy's voice came through the earpieces we had

Vengeance Of The Lost..Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon