Chapter 1

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Reggaeton Lento(Remix) up there... Love it

Alex's POV:

"Bye mom" I said as I got ready to leave for my school along with Kelly. Kelly is my best friend who just happens to be the daughter of my father's secretary Mrs. Alvin (her full name is Martha Alvin). Their family is very close to ours, and so Kelly usually lives with us. Mrs. Alvin stood next to my mom as I waved goodbye to my family. Everyone in the family except for my father, since he had already left for some of his work 'as usual'. He is a busy person, you see.

Who am I ?, Well I am the daughter of the ex-cabinet secretary, Mr. Henry Moore. Currently, he is running for President and already owns a big company. Many believe that he has a huge chance of winning because his works have been appreciated before by people as a secretary.

My mother Lena Moore is also a busy person, not as much as my father but she still stays busy most of the time. She is a well-known fashion designer. My mother had green eyes and my father brown. And so I got a mixture of both, strange right? Many believe that since I am a millionaire's daughter, I would be snobby and a boastful person ( what can we do people love cliche), but we, unlike the description, we don't like to show off our financial status, especially me. My family can very well be described as angels in this world full of devils.

From childhood when they had time for me, my parents had taught me never to hurt anyone and to be good to others no matter how bad they were to you, but nowadays I don't get to spend much time with them. Although I followed what they said, I always had a sense of rebellion, which I always buried in my heart. I never opposed my parents, as they believed in a good code of conduct. Only God knows where I got that rebellious nature from. But I loved my parents more than anything and so never went against them.

I looked out the window of the car at the green trees swaying by as Kelly kept on saying something. Little houses and beautifully maintained gardens surrounded my view with the warm sun blessing us with its light. We lived in a peaceful place, and though this view in front of my eyes was something I saw every day, it never failed to intrigue me. The car came to a halt when our school arrived. A familiar sight of loads of students scurrying their way into the school met my eyes

"Hey Kelly "Jackson said appearing from nowhere and started talking to Kelly, ignoring me.

"Hello? I guess I am standing here too" I said rolling my eyes giving a 'duh' look. I mean how can you ignore a person who is standing just in front of you.

"Oh hey, I didn't see you there." Jackson replied with a sick smile and I mentally scoffed, It was pretty obvious that he liked Kelly but that's not how you treat your crush's friend.

The bell rang, signaling us to reach the class, sadly my first period was calculus, and I was alone because I did not have Kelly with me! I was going to be a lost puppy in a secluded region, between other giants. Luckily I reached class on time. Lucky because you would not want to be late in Mrs. Green's class. She is a handle-with-care teacher. Once a student got late in her class and then talked very rudely to her and guess what he got as punishment- Detention for one week and cleaning of cafeterias after school. I chose the last seat, though I was a straight 'A' student and liked studies, I just didn't want the attention of teachers.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Bethany, your typical school queen bee. With blonde hair, skimpy clothes and eyes piercing and shiny as a cat hunting for a little meek mouse on a dark night. I believe the girl has issues and major ones, but she is always a bitch, no wonder why she has not yet found the person she can share her troubles with.

"Hey nerd, what are you doing? "She said in an obnoxiously high-pitched voice. Not everyone who does not shout for attention is a nerd. Not liking her presence, I said

"Trying to avoid you and your Oompa Loompas" as she took a seat next to me.

"Oh! You are just jealous" she exclaimed. Jealous? Seriously of what, her getting all the bad grades.

"Huh... If that makes you feel better than sure" I retorted and changed my seat getting rid of her. Mrs. Green graced us with her presence just as I sat.

The class was going on and on and on. The clock was ticking and so was my pen. I was staring out the window at the birds flapping their way through the air. Absorbing and observing nature had always been my thing. The class was boring and no matter how much I loved sitting here looking out the window I wanted it to get over, but it seemed as if the clock only ticked and not moved. The class finally got over and so did the school. I was excited as today Me and Kelly were going to have a sleepover with my 1-year-old brother Matthew, because as usual, my parents had to go to a meeting, and unfortunately the nanny had fallen sick so yeah it was me who had to take care of him.

″Such a disgusting sight, No, never ever. At least not until I am living.″ Kelly exclaimed when I asked her to help me clean the mess my little brother had made. Yes, this is my brother we are talking about and you might be thinking why my brother has a mention during my sleepover. Well, it all started like this...

2 hours back.

Ding Dong.

"Here she comes" I thought as I ran for the door coming face to face with an excited Kelly "Look who is beaming like a ball of sunshine, anyways, mom, dad, and Martha are gone. Matthews is over there. We have movies, shows, popcorn, pop tarts and loads of other food." I continued as Kelly got in and propped herself on the sofa.

"American Civil War is what we are going to watch today baby" She exclaimed

"As you say, Miss. Marvel" I answered. Kelly was a huge fan of Marvel, me too, but not that much. We started watching the movie in our room alongside Matthew when our nose met a foul smell from Matthew's direction.

"Oh come on Matthew, not now, " I said as I saw him puking. I paused the movie and took the cleaning cloth in hand.

"Come on, help me clean this mess" I pleaded Kelly

″Such a disgusting sight, No, never ever. At least not until I am living. Come on Alex do it yourself I promise I won't watch the movie without you. ″ She said.

"Well, if you don't remember you were also beside me saying yes, nodding your head when my parents gave 'us' the responsibility to take care of my little brother here" I reminded her with my hands on my hips

"Okay, fine, I am coming, " she said sickeningly and helped me clean the mess while my brother laughed at us. I am really waiting for him to grow up, then I could talk to him and punish him as well. Well, I love my brother very much even though he gets annoying at times. Who doesn't?

The mess was cleaned up. My brother was now sleeping peacefully. We played the movie and gobbled down everything edible. We had watched the movie a million times, but still, we watched it again all because of Miss Marvel- Kelly. Kelly and I are best friends more like sisters since childhood. We trusted each other blindly, even though we were poles apart. Looks like opposites do attract. I was a conserved, fun girl and she was outgoing and crazy. When I always tried to hide my anger and feelings she was always ready for a fight. We also had similarities, we loved the same people and had mostly same favorites.

The climax and a song by Kelly pulled me out of my thoughts. The movie was over and it was 12:30 at night.

"I wonder why it's taking our parents so much time to come back." Kelly said.

"They said they would come back before 11" I replied.

"God knows, maybe they are a little busy? " 

"I think you are right, we should go sleep now"

We had not slept for long when we were again woken up by my brother who was crying. But after various attempts of making him sleep again, he finally did sleep and we too slept on the floor on top of each other. What a wonderful life!!


Authors note:

U must be thinking why Alex does not have many friends even though she is rich well she likes only true people not back bitchers...

Redesigned and edited after getting some advice on 20-10-17. 

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