Chapter 25 (Part 1)

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Alex's POV:

"Now what do we do? She is knocked out and has severe wounds, the cloth is not helping" Kelly said as I started gaining consciousness.I had never passed out before, after killing someone. I guess I was just really tired this time or maybe wounded.

"Can't we go call the doctor she is loosing a lot of blood and you guys haven't even done anything about it" Ethan said as he started frantically stating all the facts about blood. Nerdy much? I decided to finally wake up before they could take any wrong decisions.

"Real Mature Ethan" I said trying to get up. Hearing my voice all of them looked towards me and Ethan placed his hands behind my back trying to support me. Looking around I realized that they had brought me inside the room and had wrapped a cloth around my legs and stomach which was soaked in blood.

"I am sorry but I have never been in such a situation" he said turning his back away from me. I realized how difficult it would have been for him to fight and kill, this was his first such mission.

"Hey, it's Okay" I said softly

Wait softly? What is happening to me

"What about the remaining men? And are you fine, I see you are bruised too" I asked Kelly

"Oh, they decided to show loyalty to Jeff and got killed" She said grinning like a fool " And I am fine nothing to worry about, it is you who has lost so much blood"

"Details please" I said trying not to wince from the pain continuously shooting up my legs and stomach.

"Well for a gang leader, he was not really backed up, and so after you got knocked off, sensing what you would have wanted we brought you here and attacked the men. We just were talking about you when you woke up. " She explained as I smiled proudly at her doing a proud sister stance in my mind. How well she knew me.

"Wait, Jeremy too?" I said in amazement

"Yep me too, Kelly taught me a little" He said looking at her

"At least something good came out of the dates." I murmured but Kelly heard it and shot a glare at me.

"Now how do we get out of here?" Ethan said before Kelly could blast up on me

"I know " Jeremy said and we all turned towards him "Luckily no one on either side of the room knows that there has been an attack and Jeff's been killed. And as per my records, a stall has been put up in front of the club to help people say no to alcohol, ironic because they have put it in front of a club with a bar with drinks. Anyways we will sneak out and mix with them before heading to the car.

"And how exactly are we going to blend in?"I asked

"I got just the thing" Kelly said from across the room, wonder when she went there. She took out some shirts and pants out of a drawer with 'No Alchohol' written on them

"Perfect" I said as I tried to stand up not before stumbling back again but this time Ethan held me up.

In minutes we were all in those pants and shirts and looked slightly better.

"I hate to see myself like this so can we hurry up" Kelly said

"Why can't we just go back to the club and move out?"Ethan asked 

"Because we smell of blood and I am not in the mood to go all the way back and get suspected of some killing" I shouted getting frustrated from the lack of execution and more of questions. Everyone went silent and started moving towards the door.

"One final thing" I said as I dragged myself towards Jeff. I picked up the blood-stained knife and on the walls wrote-

'Three down, two to go, we are coming'

Vengeance Of The Lost..Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang