Chapter 25 (Part 2 )

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The cold wind hit me as I cut through the air. Sweat trickling down my face, my legs aching from the wounds but forcing me run because that is what my brain wants. My lungs begging me to stop, but my heart telling me to test my limits. After not being able to sleep I decided to go out to do what I like the most, run. I finally stopped after running for an hour or so. Huffing and puffing for like 30 sec I finally stood straight to meet the sun peeping through the buildings and the bone-crushing pain making me squeeze my eyes in agony. I was brought out of my upset world by a sharp sound of my phone.

"You are one stupid of ignorance, aren't you?" Kelly's voice boomed through the speakers. I knew this was coming

"You changed my ringtone, again" I said bluntly ignoring her

"Stop ignoring me. I told you that you needed rest and you went out for a run" She said. I could imagine the havoc she would have created back in the warehouse.

"It's not like I have never been hurt before, plus I am fine" I said clearly lying because I was aching with pain. But if you think about pain, you would feel more, so it is better to ignore it.

"Alex, come back now, otherwise-" She said but I cut off the phone. I knew it was rude but I didn't want to show my pain, this would lead her to worry about me and it's not like she has nothing on her plate. I just needed to know if we had created a stir after the death of Jeff.

I took off my sweatshirt and wrapped around my waist to hide the blood of the thigh wound. The shops here opened early and so when I saw a cafe with a television I quickly went inside. The sun was well out by now. I ordered a coffee and pancakes and switched on the television.

The people nearby the club tensed up when the news of a shootout blazed through the walls of their homes and of course the club. The CIA found out bodies dead on the floor along with Jeff Jones' body. A former friend of James was believed to be killed by the same group as the before. The crime scene also sported a deadly message. It seems Mr. James's days are not so pleasant nowadays. But amidst these happenings he has to say nothing but that the agencies are close to the group"

I smirked at the naivety of the media and the agencies.

"God knows who is causing this destruction, but the good thing is that they are killing the bad guys" The waiter said as he placed my coffee and pancakes before me.

"I know right, you never know what they all did to them" I said as I sipped my coffee

"You know, James is another moron I want dead" He said again placing his hands on his hips

"Me too, I get a feeling he is here only for some time" I said involuntarily and earned a suspicious look from the waiter.I really needed to control myself now.

"What do you mean?" He said

"I mean, isn't it obvious, all his friends are dying, he is no different than them" I said trying to patch up for my slip up.

"Wow! you must be on the CIA" He said "Nice guesswork"

I smiled and paying him and decided to go back to the warehouse

"Alex Eve Moore, come right here now" Kelly's voice boomed the moment I stepped inside the warehouse. I knew I was in trouble because she called me by my full name.

"Yes, Kel what happened?" I said sounding calm as I took out a bottle of water

"You hung up on me, that's what happened" She said furiously " Don't you know how worried I was. With all those wounds you still went out"

"Chill Kells nothing happened. Plus I had gone to hear some news" I said with a poker face on

"At 6 in the morning?"She shouted at me like a mother would when her kid would not answer her calls. I chose to ignore her and went to my room. Not long after I had changed, the door clicked open again to reveal Ethan.

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