Chapter 3

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Recap: Alex is fed up with the meetings her parents attend,she believes that because of the meetings her parents are not getting enough time for her. She also gets a little scared when Bethany warns her about some crisis in her family, though she ignores it and looks forward to meeting Martha for a sleepover in the absence of her parents. She and Kelly are faced with strange questions from Mrs. Alvin. Alex then asks Mrs.Alvin the reason behind the worries of her parents and Mrs. Alvin starts to tell...

Alex POV:

It's very well said that some questions are best left unanswered because right now I really regret asking the question. I was so tensed already and right now after knowing the reason I feel even more confused. But now that I know it, I have to cope up with it. The conversation we had, went something like this.

"Well, I have seen my parents in a lot of worries, tension, and stress in these few days. I know I am young to poke my nose in their matters, but I want to know is there a special reason behind this? I asked and there was a dead silence that lasted for approx. 2 minutes.

"Alex, I think you should now know that..." She said

"I should have known what? Oh, please tell me, I am eager to know. "I cut off Martha frantically.

"Yes, I would if you let me complete my sentence."

"Oh, sorry" I answered and sat down again

"Okay, fine, now this story is long. A few days back we got a notification that Mr. James the owner of Bay Producers who also happens to be another candidate running for the president's post for years, has sued us for a copyright issue on, as per him one of their invented initiatives or in a simple way project, which as per him hasn't been launched yet. Well, we knew that it is totally a false accusation, as we have been working on this project from the day the company started. And as your parents are the head of the company and unfortunately lovers of peace, they have been holding meetings with him in order to sort the matter and have been asking him to take back his accusations." Martha said, slowing down towards the end.

"But if you know that the accusations are false and that Mr. James is just a corrupt person, then why not take the support of the law?" I said in utter shock. Wait, was Bethany right when she said that my family was falling into crisis? But how did she know? This is eating me up.

"I told them, but they say that they don't want to take it so far. Also, we are waiting for some more pieces of evidence, to make the meeting and our point more effective" She said.

"Mom, isn't this wrong? I mean this is a legal matter and includes two big companies, this has to go to the court. How long will it take for any new shreds of evidence to be found?" Kelly Asked

"Our Agents are looking for more evidence, and about the law, your parents don't want to cause any trouble." Martha said leaving me infuriated, really was this the time to be good? That fake person was putting false accusations and my parents were doing nothing? But pushing aside my anger was the only option I could opt for now.

"I hope my parents seek the support of law rather being all goody good." I said in a concerned tone. Again, there was a silence on 2 minutes. ugh, I hate the silence.

"Well, you know what leave it I shouldn't have told you about it. It just ruined our perfect sleepover. Let's change the topic." Martha said trying to chill up the mood

"You are right Martha I should not worry about this, whatever my parents would do it would be good. But thanks anyway for telling me seeing the amount of time my parents spend with me I would have never known about it." I said with a sigh.

"Let's play heads up" Kelly said and I rolled my eyes, why?? I had no interest in the game. But fortunately, the dinner bell rang. Close call, even before Martha and Kelly could whine about the bell I hurried down and a beautiful sight caught my eyes.... food.

The dining table was all set with my favorite dishes. Pasta, Tacos, Rice, Ice cream and how can I forget chicken l-o-v-e. Yes, we had a weird taste all different kind of dishes together, but anyways I loved it. We sat down facing each other and Martha between us which means we were at the corner of the large dining table which had a white cloth on it and food. We ate or I ate till I was full like a bag full of chips. No, a bag full of chips is never full it's more air, like a bag full of stones, I know a bad comparison but that's what I got. I was flying in the sky when Kelly pulled me down and announced a match of  Heads Up.

"No," I exclaimed well not my fault, the acting was never my thing. But since it was 2 to 1 I knew I had to play.
"It's 2 to 1" Martha said. I knew it. So, I agreed to play, turns out I am not that bad at heads up and acting.
The game and night went on. It was the best sleepover, I had ever had, even my brother did not disturb us. But somewhere deep down in the pit of my stomach I had this rumbling feeling, not because of food. I had known something that I wished to learn from my parents. I just wished as I slept that nothing bad happens to anyone.

Authors Note:

Edited on 22-10-17

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