Chapter 26

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Alex's POV:

Psychologists have proven that it takes only four minutes to fall in love and I have now certified it to be true.

Love is like a medicine, it heals all your wounds. It is a lot different than a crush- which crushes your feelings. It makes you feel good, It is an agreement between two people that they are ready to fully feel the affection they hid all those years. Many have fallen for my face, my outer appearance, but I looked forward to the one who was ready to fall for my inner soul, my insecurities, and fear and now standing in front of him looking into his deep blue eyes my heart just screamed and begged me to tell him that I trust him and am falling for him. 

"Thanks, Ethan" I barely spoke as he gently let me out of his hold. I suddenly felt empty, hollow.

"You don't need to thank me for speaking the truth" He said and flashed his captivating smile. " I think you should have some rest, I am going to go out" 

"That's cool" I said and I did not care if he did not love me back or even like me, I was happy with one-sided attraction and anyways we all were going to be separated after some days.

Properly bandaging my rest of the wounds I climbed up to my bed and snuck in as I felt really tired. I texted Kelly and Jeremy about my whereabouts and went off to sleep.

Kelly's POV:

Finally, Alex told Ethan the truth and I was so happy. I knew she was falling for him and he was falling too. I was just glad that she found someone she could trust besides me. 

"Were you eavesdropping them?" Jeremy spoke as he came behind me and engulfed me in a hug

"NO, I was not" I murmured earning a raised eyebrow from him " Okay fine I was"

"No problem babes Just wanted to tell you I am heading out to meet up with some old friends" He said and went off

"Have fun" I shouted behind him

"Where are you going?" I asked Ethan as he came out of the room

"Umm.. just meeting some friends... I mean going to get some fresh air" He said scratching the back of his head. Why was he nervous? Probably embarrassed that I caught him coming out of the room of Alex

"Fine, go ahead" I said smirking

A text popped up from Alex stating that she was going off to sleep. Well, she could have just said through the door. As I had nothing to do I decided to take a walk myself. The town we were in had the main office of James but before we could kill him we had to cut off another man from our list but I did not know when to do it because Alex was wounded right now. Unlike Alex, killing all those people was making me feel badass. I had never thought I would be kicking butts. As I was thinking about my accomplishments I saw him going inside a shop. I decided to follow him, I went in and saw that he had gone to the washroom. I thought of scaring him and went in too

"I told you I am doing it, I have their trust for a long time now. The murders were just a slip-up and me trying to understand them. I already told you who they were. You calling me like this is dangerous. I will hand them over to you and take you with me" He said and shut the phone

I quickly went into the women's washroom and let him slip out of the shop. How could he do this to us, to Alex and especially to me? Why? Out of all the people he? No, I cannot let this happen not until I live and with that, I rushed back to the warehouse.

Alex's Pov:

"Okay so this time we will be going in without any cover meaning we won't hide our faces" I said and earned a series of questions which sounded like an alien language to me because they all spoke at once.

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