Vampire Or Super Natural?

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Alison POV

I couldn't feel anything I was outside of my own body.Watching the doctors determine our faith.

''She was dead when she came here, I believe we can't do anything''

''Tell them she fell into a coma and the baby is fine''

''Yeah but that's not true''The doctor said.

''It's for the best''The doctor nodded and went outside while the other doctor started peeling of a mask.My heart dropped as it was Aria.I screamed as I saw her she injected some liquid into the tubes in me.My heart rate stopped and before I knew it I was dying.She ran out and the girls and boys come into the room and my heart rate stopped completely.

Before I black out or die I hear.

''Fucking electrocute her to life''

''We can't do anything about it''

I see a white light near a tunnel and all my memories in swirls around it.I saw my body in years before I was born.I saw my self in the 1500's the 1600's everything.

I walk towards but as I walked I got weaker.I look to my right and see this red circle and it was so alluring.It looked abandoned but this red circle was the path I walked to.As I walked it I felt a sense of strengthen and I finally walk through it and I get lift into it and the red swirl starts going into my mouth until all of it is gone and I come back to life.


The people holding me dropped me and started running and I start tearing up the cloth around my body.

''Ali''Hanna came in my blurry vision and I whisper

''Take me home''Before blacking out.


I wake up to everyone watching me.I could see their hearts beating rapidly as they watched I could hear my baby heart too.

''Mommy''Royalty said crying and as I hugged her I see me being shot in her eyes.

''Sweety everything's okay''She looked at me and hugged me tightly.

I touch my body and not a scar was on me.I was confused as hell right now.

''Ali you died''Spencer said.

''I know Aria killed me in the hospital''I said  touching my belly.

''I knew something was fishy''Hanna said angrily.

''I want to take a bath can we talk later about everything''I ask.

''Yeah sure''They started leaving and I remember.

''What's going on with graduation and prom now''

''Well they postponed the pool party, zoo day and prom to next week''Spencer said and I nod as she took Royalty to feed and change her.

I take off the hospital gownand filled up a tub of water.

I slip in and relax in it when it started to freeze and the craziest thing was I didn't feel cold or anything I just started looking at it and the water had flames on top it and my hair was flames.

I call everyone and their eyes widen at what they saw.

''I think something's wrong with me''

''You're think''Hanna said looking wide eyed.

I come out the water my hair still i n flames but I had on the outfit above.

''What happened at that hospital''Spencer asked.

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