Love On The Brain pt 1

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Alison POV

All I could do was console her and be there while she cried.I got raped but she got raped while pregnant.

  Crying had always been a healthy release, but for Ali it was a habit now. The blue feeling washed in like an unwanted wave, knocking her sandcastles flat. Then what? Was she supposed to construct them again? Get that bucket and spade out and make it pretty all over again? She sat. No more building, no more castles. She sat and stared out of the window, more tears, no surprise there. She let them fall, not raising a hand to stop them. They splashed down onto the couch in a rain-like pattern and soaked in leaving dark splotches on the coffee coloured fabric. There was more where that came from, what percentage water was she anyway? Less than a cucumber but certainly enough to cry for hours. And what then? Then she'd drink another glass of water and start all over again  

She was hurt always and there was on one way to stop it death but she wasn't living for herself anymore.

  When the tears weren't even half way done Ali was empty. She couldn't have cried even if she wanted to. She hadn't experienced this feeling before. The sadness was still there, but not raw anymore – now it was an empty unhappiness - the kind she didn't think would easily lift. She felt like they could surprise her with the cutest kitten on earth and she wouldn't feel a thing. She stared around her as if she was in a pit. Her surroundings were exactly the same, but they gave her no emotion. How could that be? She needed emotion to feel alive, to feel love.  

''Ali you alright''

''I'm fine, you should take a shower to feel better''I tell her as I walk to Roy Roy room.She slept peacefully so unaware of this life, of trials she'd have to face by herself one day.

I went and took a bath and change into a outfit as I looked at my ugly reflection watching me with hate.

''You got raped and lost all your dignity''it taunted ''Ali the slut''and it disappeared.

I walk the streets of Rosewood and the stop by at a cafe. 

 The tiny café huddled despondent among the huge city buildings. Washed out under the overcast sky, it hunched in itself, fighting against the drizzle. Hundreds of people rushed by it, outside on the crowded street. The half a dozen customers glanced up as the door swung open, heralded by a blast of cold wind. Unlike the outside, the interior of the café was warm and cheery, with bright lights and colourful walls. The customers returned to their conversations as the door swung closed behind the new entrant and the cold breeze was forgotten.

''Hello''I said as the cashier turned around I ask  for a pink smoothie and salad.

''Sure that will me 15 dollars''I give her the money and walk to a seat facing the town.

Paige POV

''Take this to table 4 ''THE woman said as I rolled my eyes.I skate to table for and my eyes widened.

''Ali''she turned around her hair bouncing lovely

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''Ali''she turned around her hair bouncing lovely.Her eyes were intense, and unlike the rest of her they weren't at all expressive, they were cold, like ice. Most blue eyes are so captivating you swear that you could just dive into them with the peak of awe nipping at your facial features, but when you peered into her frozen irises you feel an electrical chill run down your spine, through your body making your features numb, like ice. Every tendril of various shades of incandescent striking white-blue staying lined up next to one and other making her eyes them selves seem like a white tundra, its as if a blizzard is eternally raging on with a black void in the center that are her pupils. They don't capture light,but defy it, they're so, so blue that they literally glow, but there is the occasion that she smiles.

''Paige''she said as I place down her food and she gets right to eating.

''It was nice to see you''

''Okay''she said rolling her eyes as I walk away.

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