Surprise Encounter And Daddy's Leaving.

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Alison POV

I woke up to small hands hitting my face,I open one eye and see Roy Roy smiling at me.I smile back and she says

''Wnanna gwo uot''

''Alright let's go take a bathe''I lift her up and take two towels and go fill the tub.I make sure the water was warm and but in some bubbles.I take off her clothes and leave on my bra and panties and place her and myself in the water.

I shampoo her curly hair and soap her and then drain the bubbly water and fill some clean warm water after I  bathe her I bathe myself and get out of the bath

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I shampoo her curly hair and soap her and then drain the bubbly water and fill some clean warm water after I  bathe her I bathe myself and get out of the bath.I try her and her hair, cream her skin, do her hair and put on her clothes and I do the same for me.(pic above)

We tiptoe downstairs and walk to the kitchen where I get her baby bottle and baby bag and when I turn around I bounce into someone.I turn on the light and see one of Nate's friend.

''Hello, I'm Shawn if you don't remember''I examine him carefully

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''Hello, I'm Shawn if you don't remember''I examine him carefully.His hair, dark and lustrous, had a sheen like fine hardwood. But that comparison isn't entirely fair, I suppose. Hardwood doesn't swish gently like his hair does, swaying with the words he speaks. A shiny varnish catches merely light around it, but the depths of that deep chestnut brown reflected all the radiance of his smile.His eyes were the color of earth kissed by spring rains, the hue that promises to stir life from dormant seeds, the nascent plants guided upward by the light before blossoming into the vibrant colors of a new season.His eyes shone like new growth on the boughs of the trees, free of moss, bright, youthful. His gaze was cool waters on flames, soft rain on petals, the sky lightening after a storm.

''Of course I remember you, nice to see you again, I would catch up but Roy Roy wants to go for a walk''

Shawn Mendes POV

  The essences of summer, a goddess of the sun. Her golden hair draped down softly curling along the ends.Her eyes were the color of a newly bloomed bluebell from the valley, enchanting, delicate. Like the flower her gaze was never direct, preferring a shy earthbound focus.They were the color of a clear blue sky through a broken prison wall; the color of a perfect raindrop on a blue aster; the color of a river hurrying to join the great ocean.He would describe her eyes as like the ocean, they were iridescent and flecked with every shade of blue. Her body was amazing.Her hips were wide causing her bum to be big and stand out.She had a flat tummy and the perfect boobs but that didn't matter her personality was awesome.

''I would like to come with you to make sure you come back safely''

''Sure, the more the merrier''She said grabbing and extra jacket and the baby bag.

''Mommy cwan yuo swing for me while we go wakl''She smiled at her and grabbed her guitar and said.

''I sing when we reach the park''

''Fwine''Royalty said kissing her cheek.In less than 10 minutes were were in a park.The park covered a wide area that could fit about three small houses. It was hilly with a tall tree or two near one hill. There were benches for people to sit in every corner and jogging tracks were all around the edges of the park. The west corner had some swings too on which many children used to come and play. Flower hedges and bushes grew all around; this made the park look more pleasant and attractive.

''Mommy whta's that''We all look in the direction she was facing and gasped.

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