Waking to Reality Pt. 1

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Alison POV

She felt nothing...nothing at all.


She felt everything at once. It was like being pulled from a dark quiet void into a bright screaming light. First, she could feel how completely dry her lips were as she gasped sharply into reality. Then it was her eyes which slowly opened to a blurry view of a very white place. She could feel cold sticking to the sides of her eyes. It was uncomfortable for her that she lifted her hands to wipe it but all they did was tingle.

She felt too weak to move them and there was a dull ache in her shoulder everything she tried so she let them be. That was when her hearing came in.

Beep Beep Beep Beep

What was making that noise? She licked at her chapped lips and lifted her body which felt almost dead to a seated position.

She could vaguely remember being captured. Her baby?! She found the strength to place her hands n her stomach but didn't feel her baby bump. Panic welled inside her as realization hit her.

My baby?! MY BABY? WHERE'S MY BABY?! She thought frantically.

" AAA-BYY" She croaked loudly or as loud as she could. She stumbled off the bed before realizing her foot were unmoving and had to hold on to the bed tightly before she completely collapsed to the ground.

"ALISON!"She looked over frantically as she held on tight to the bed and the doctor in front of her came to her side. She was lifted slowly back into bed and by then a nurse with water was by her side.

She quickly gobbled the water turning to the doctor for an answer. Her throat was aching so she signed it to him

I'm pregnant, what happened to my baby?! Where's my bump?

The doctor looked utterly shocked and confused as she tightly grasped his hands waiting for her answer.

"Alison, eat something first and I promise we'll discuss this whole thing" She wanted to protest but nodded still holding her hand to her flat stomach. Another nurse came in soon after with a tray of yogurt, fluffy pancakes, and syrup with eggs, apple juice, and a chocolatey slice of cake.

She quietly sighed against the ache in her throat.

"The nurse would also run you a bath. That's all we can permit at this time but I'm sure your muscles need it. She will assist in showering you as well" She nodded squeezing yogurt into her hand and licking it. She couldn't remember how exactly to hold a spoon. As she ate more questions filled her head.

Where were the other girls?

Why was she in a hospital?

Where was A? Where was her boyfriend? Where was Royalty?


Emily POV

"I'm heading to the hospital mom"She checked her bag over once more before looking at herself in the mirror. She looked horrible, she felt horrible. But that was expected when the love of your life was in a coma in the hospital for 7 months. It was expected when on her birthday Hannah, Aria, Spencer and she had to listen to Ali's beeping heart monitor as they ate birthday cake in celebration of Ali's life.

It was expected when they graduated highschool and worked around town itching to leave this fucking town but all of them not wanting to leave Ali behind. 

It was expected when she had to deal with the trauma of finally killing A and stopping A but still feeling like A would show up for them again or Ali was dying more and more each time she walked into that hospital room.

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