There Here!!!

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Alison POV

  After spending hours baking they were ready. The soft smell of my sweet treats teased my nose. The scent lingering, inviting. Topmost layer an incredible shade of amber, they were cracked on the surface, like a dry desert ground. But inside they weren't dry. A satisfactory crunch lingered by my ears as they entered my mouth, only to crumble and melt on the inside, so deliciously tasty that my taste buds tingled. Once bit past the turtles shell, a silky, fragile intern broken free, a hidden secret revealed . Indescribable pleasure pulsed through me. They were my creation. They were incredible.  

Baking cake was all Ali could think of. Little gateaux's danced around her brain, cupcakes with rich fondant toppings. She mentally mixed and matched the ingredients like a professional shopper chooses clothes. By the time her baseball shoes hit the cracked concrete steps of her home, a place so old people were shocked to see her come and go. Before she rented it the local gossips had pegged it as an abandoned house, haunted even. But the only thing that haunted Ali was cake and the urge to get baking...

Hanna POV

Though the kitchen is just as it was when I left in the morning, spotless and bright, the aroma gives away the presence of fresh baked cookies. Before my eyes swivel around, lip gently bitten in anticipation, I know the glass jar is full and the chips are still molten. The lid lies casually next the them allowing the warm moisture to escape and right next to that is a post-it note with a single heart drawn on top.Their aromatic fragrance overpowered every other scent that lingered in the room. Its delectable aroma pervaded the air- a melange of honey dew, orange preserves and dabs of crackling nuts. So very tempting to grab and simply indulge in this decadent pleasure, or to merely inhale the gorgeous scent it emanated from its baked, warm depths. Taking the first bite, a delightful flavor flooded my mouth, and my senses basked in its luscious taste. There was a friable crunch, tangs of zest, pangs of acidity, all to coalesce to form a truly delicious dish- orange honey baked cookies.

Gingerbread men were lined up by the dozen and every one of them had a different facial expression. Their limbs had the look of a soft baked cookie rather than the biscuity creations I used to make in my childhood. Should those men have tried to run away I'm sure their legs would have crumbled beneath them before they made it to the high-street. I recall pressing my hand to the glass right in front of them and being surprised how cool it was on such a warm day, placing my face forwards and inhaling like I wanted to eat the air. Though the kitchen was jammed with all manner of baked goods from crusty french bread to chocolate brownies, the fragrance of spice and ginger was under it all, a gentle perfume to unite the savoury and sweet.

  Heavy cream spills on the counter, a dusting of cinnamon on the floor and husks of sweet pumpkins in a mixing bowl - somewhere in this kitchen is a pumpkin pie. The air already tastes like dessert, sweet and spicy - cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger. This fragrance, like no other, sets my stomach to rumbling; the gurgles aren't cute background noises, instead they are more like a teenager with a new drum kit, energetic and commanding my attention. I'm so distracted with the hunt I fail to hear Ali, still clad in her apron and a good portion of the ingredients, enter the kitchen. Before I even begin to turn I know her arms are folded and she's wearing that face, the one that's a cross between motherly and pit-bull.  

''Hanna don't eat all the dessert it took me a while to get it done''Ali said wiping her forehead with her palm and looking tiredly at me.

''Ali you should rest''I said looking at her as she smiled like a mother.

''No Nate's parents are coming this evening and I want everything to be  perfect''

''Then let me help''

''No you'll eat everything and make us play instead of work.''

''I'm hungry''I said and she rolled her eyes and placed me on a chair.And then she brought out macaroni and cheese; mac and cheese. I first smelled the aroma whilst sitting at the table and tapping my fingers rapidly on the surface, sniffing occasionally to see if the smell had faded or if it was still lingering in the air. Well, my suspicions had just been confirmed. She set the bowl of macaroni on the table and smiled, motioning for me to taste. I observed it quite carefully. I instantly admired the way the cheese was well-blended with the macaroni, and the smell. Oh my, the smell. It was heavenly, and that's saying something, considering that I was describing a common dinner meal. I scooped my spoon into the bowl and cautiously brought it to my mouth. I devoured the macaroni, and savored it. WOW.

''Ali where is everybody''I ask licking my fingers.

''Sleeping Nate's out getting his parents from the airport, It sucks we haven't moved into our house yet but anyway''Ali said placing a plate of pork on the table.

''Hanna go and mow the lawn if you wanna help''Ali said I was gonna protest but decided against it because Ali could get pissed very easily.I go outside and start mowing.

Alison POV

I was almost done cooking when I look down at my belly.Something was growing inside of me and that scared me but I loved it.

Hanna walked in hand on belly and sweat on her forehead.

''I mowed the lawn and now I'm gonna take a nap''

''Me too a little one''I said walking with her to our rooms.

''We should start making the baby rooms''

''Oh yeah we should start planning''She said as we started getting into the details of our babies future before she fell asleep and I went back to work feeling drained but content.

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