Nearing Dead

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Emily POV

In the past 24 hours,Ali was in a coma.The doctors said they don't know when she'll wake up,or if she even will.

The doctors said they don't know when she'll wake up,or if she even will

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I look from outside at her lifeless body and felt like crying.This is all my fault.

I went inside and pulled  a chair next to her and held her scared hands

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I went inside and pulled  a chair next to her and held her scared hands.She looked lifeless and defenseless but still beautiful.Dinah was distraught to say the least because that could be the I love you she said to Ali.

''Please wake up''I whispered.Her eyes shot open and she looked at me scared and then went lifeless again.

I shout out for the nurse and they rush in.I told them what happened and they rushed to shock her to life.

''What the FUCK ARE YOU DOING''I said.

''She dying we need to shock her to life''

They rush me out the room where Alison Dad and the rest of us stood by the glass which was covered with curtains.

Doctor POV

''Hurry Hurry Hurry''I said as we turned the defibrillators to 150 and pushed it on her chest.Making her jolt but she didn't wake''

''250''I said rubbing them together and pressing it on her chest again sh estill didn't wake.

''One last time 350''

''Isn't that extreme''said my assistant nurse.

''Do It''

I pushed it on her chest one last time and she jolt up gasping.

I pushed it on her chest one last time and she jolt up gasping

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''Sleep baby take some rest''I said kissing her forehead and disappearing.

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