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Her eyes sparkled like storm clouds right before lightning hit. Clouds of grey and blue threatened floods and fury while pupils dilated in disbelief, eyelashes catching the raindrops. She cared far too much. Her eyes were intense, and unlike the rest of her they weren't at all expressive, they were cold, like ice. Most blue eyes are so captivating you swear that you could just dive into them with the peak of awe nipping at your facial features, but when you peered into her frozen irises you feel an electrical chill run down your spine, through your body making your features numb, like ice. Every tendril of various shades of incandescent striking white-blue staying lined up next to one and other making her eyes them selves seem like a white tundra, its as if a blizzard is eternally raging on with a black void in the center that are her pupils. They don't capture light,but defy it, they're so, so blue that they literally glow, but there she was getting weak at what I said. 

''Emily are you telling me the truth''she said.

''Yes''I lied.

She came up and hugged the daylight out of me.

All of a sudden we were making out.Ali stripped in fornt of me and I gazed in amazement like it was the first time.There is something so disarming about seeing Alison naked. There's a vulnerability in her eyes I can't resist. My eyes travel from her face to her collar bone, delicate in the semi-darkness, then to her breasts. Without lingerie they sit lower, more natural, less close together, each so perfect and moulded to her form. I don't linger too long, just enough for her to see how beautiful she is to me. It's her eyes I want to see and my hands can tell me the rest.

Alison POV

  We both gazed in each others eyes longingly; not a word spoken by either of us. I was lost within the breathless paradise of his dreamy eyes and no sooner without any authority he clutched his hands unto my hips, leaning me in against his muscular body; as a result i was weakened by his gentle seductive touch.
While pressing his body against mine and continuing gazing within my eyes, he begun kissing my now frail neck which made me even weaker than before. I know what we were about to do was wrong, but I wanted this. The devil's cruel intention was already a success.  With the door closed every pretence falls. The facade we show the world melts away and all we want is to fuck each other's brains out. Every kiss has a raw intensity - breathing fast, heart rates faster. Then before I know how it happened we are naked and our skin is moving softly together, like the finest of silk. I feel his hand enter from below moving fast, our tongues entwined in a kiss, and then he's inside, changing my breathing with every thrust, hearing my moans timed to his body. Then all at once he stops and kisses from my breasts to my stomach, his hands light; then he's licking and using his fingers all at once, watching my reaction, feeling how my legs move, watching my body writhe. He tells me he's going to make me beg for it and I just let out a moan, unable to articulate a response. In seconds he's on me again, fucking me harder, just long enough to intoxicate my mind before stopping again. If it's begging he wants, he's gonna have to stop long enough for my brain to start working again first...He whispered my name as our bodies touched

Slowly, we became entwined
our hearts fusing into one, while our bodies moved
to the rhythmic sounds of the murmurs of sweet nonsense in our ears
His tongue carved every inch of my body like a chisel
His kisses were long and deep
I gasp for air
We moaned... louder
He thrust.... Deeper
We moved...faster
Lost in time
Then without control, our bodies exploded
Leaving us limp while we lay still
Arms and legs tangled
Listening to the satisfied sounds of the beating of our hearts
Deep into the silence of the night


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