Friendship Restored.

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Alison POV

I laid there breathing heavily while Emily just admired me.

''Let's Go to the Brew''Emily said

''Your carrying me''I said getting up and walking like a penguin to the Bathroom.

I took a shower and changed into Black Off Shoulder Top and High Waist Pants.

Emily came out of the Bathroom wearing this.

Emily came out of the Bathroom wearing this

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''Babe let's go''she said making me blush.

We arrive at the cafe and were talking when we heard familiar voices.

''Spencer I'm not Dumb''Hanna said''Your such A Book Worm''

''Can you guys stop fighting After Ali stop talking to us your head to head''Aria said annoyed. Emily and I look at each other with concern.

We hear them get silent and footsteps getting closer.They walk past us and I let out a breath I was holding but They stopped and turned around looking right at us.I look away rolling my eyes and look at Emily.We both were talking with our eyes.

A Are they gone?

E Nope Just play it cool

A Em your looking at me like a zombie

We both burst out laughing getting some weird glances.As we were about to talk Again they came up and Hanna began Talking.

''I know I  hurt you terribly and I'm sorry.I just want to say I'm sincerely sorry for putting you through my overdose because I was trying something new.I know I made it seem like your fault,but it never was your fault, I was lying to myself and it was easier to blame you than to realize that.

I can't believe I did that --After the overdose everything fell apart,we argued and argued and argued.

I know I'm probably the last person you want to hear from,but please hear me out.I don't know where to start so I'll start with this;i'm really upset that our friendship is gone and it's made me miserable  for the past couple months.

Every time we fought it hurt me more,no we aren't even talking anymore,let alone friends.I'm really struggling without you now, we used to be best friends and you mean a lot to me, more than you know.

I hate fighting, especially with you.My mistake ruined our friendship and I don't want know how to make things right between us.Knowing that I did this to one of my best friends killed me.I don't know what I was thinking and I hate myself for it.

Our friendship is too valuable to me to end over this.To find another friend like you  would be impossible, you're caring,patient,funny ,bitchy when you trying to prove a point...I can go on and on,and it doesn't feel right without you anymore.

I didn't mean for things to be like this and  wish I could take back when we were close friends,I know I can't show you that this will never happen again and I'm still the girl you trusted and thought of as your best friend.

I keep apologizing because I've been completely in the wrong to be  so inconsiderate and act like I have,I wasn't the friend I should have been but i don't want to lose you because I think you're worth holding on to,I don't know why,but whenever I had a bad day, or week you always made me feel better,you were one of the few who could do that.''Then Spencer started

''I'm honest heartbroken things are like this, I don't want my mistake to ruin our friendship and it would mean so much to me if you could give me a second chance.

You genuinely mean the world to me and I can't believe how much I miss you.I know you find it hard to trust and I've made it harder for you to trust me and I'll take time for you to feel ready to talk.

I'm ready to wait  until you can talk.A lot of people walk in and out of my life but you're one of the few I ever really wanted to stay,and until I make things right with you,you gonna be constantly on my mind.

I really do miss you so much and I don't want to lose you.I made a mistake,and I really regret it.I don't think it's worth ending our  friendship over though, I hope you think that too.''Then Aria started.

''I haven't changed,I know I seem like I have but I really haven't.You did see something in me and I hope I get the chance to show you that it is here and prove to you I'm still someone you can trust.

I've been a terrible friend for the last few months,but I think I was a good friend before,couldn't we try and go back to that ?

Please accept this apology and I hope what I told you helps show you just how I feel,how much you mean to me and how sorry I am.Whatever you decide I'll always treasure our friendship and the good times we had.We went through a lot together, and you're one of the few people I trust.You're very special to me;Id go through hell for you.I hope you know that.I can't help  believing  everything will turn out okay,because I find it hard to think of my life without you in it anymore, and I 'll always be there for you.''I turn and look  out the window with my lips pursued.

I hear a snap and look to see Em took A picture of me.

''I forgive you''I said to them and we get in a group hug.

''Friendship restored''Hanna said.

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