173: Vic Fuentes

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This was requested by the lovely KellicVicKells so give her a follow! Anyways thanks for the request and I hope you enjoy 💕
Your POV
You wake up alone, once again knowing that Vic had left again.

You and him had been fighting a lot and last night it was so bad he left.

He left you in absolute pain.

The fight was over the stupid fact that he was never home.

"Maybe if I didn't care so much that fight would have never happened." You mumble under your breath as you slid out of the lonely bed.

Today Vic's brother and his fiancé (go with it) were supposed to be here tonight for dinner.

You and Vic had 3 dogs and here they are: (just go with this to 😂)

You and Vic had 3 dogs and here they are: (just go with this to 😂)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

This is Max

This is Baylee

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

This is Baylee

 And this is meatball

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

And this is meatball

Vic had choose the name for meatball but after he had named meatball you wouldn't let him name the other dogs.

You smile at the memories as you let the dogs out of their crates.

Just as you were about to pour the dog food into the bowls, meatball runs and knocks you over into the grass.

"Oh my gosh meatball." You say laughing as the dog licks your face.

"Ugh get off." You say trying to get up while laughing.

"Great now I have to get more dog food." You say shaking your head.

As soon as you finish feeding the dogs you rush upstairs to take a shower.

~After Shower~

You quickly change into a pierce the veil crop top with black skinny jeans along with some converse.

You rush to the kitchen and quickly make some toast.

As soon as you finish eating you bring the dogs inside and grab your car keys.

~At Store~

You run into the supermarket only to be greeted by some fans.

You take a few pictures and go back to shopping.

You end up leaving the store with steak.

~At home~

When you pull into your driveway you notice Vic's car.

"Is he back already?" You ask yourself.

You grab the bags and walk in.

You look around and don't see him.

When you walk into the kitchen to put the bags up you look outside to see Vic playing with the dogs.

You stop and look down after he notices your home.

He walks in and you turn around.

He grabs your face and kisses you passionately.

"I'm done with all this fighting." He says not soon after breaking the kiss.

"Me too." You say smiling.

"Good." He says.
So I hope you enjoyed that!

If anyone else has any request I will gladly take them *hint hint* 😂 jk jk but still.

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