158: Tyler

149 19 0

Your POV
You look at the test in your hands.

You flip it over and shake your head, hoping the 2 pink lines would go away.

Tears slip down your cheeks.

Tyler was on tour right now so that made it worse.

You decided that it would be best to call Tyler and tell him the news.

You pick up your phone with your shaking hands.

After the 2 ring he picks up.

"Hey baby I miss you." He says.

You could tell he was smiling.

"Hey I miss you to, but uh I have really big news." You say.

"What is it?" Tyler says through the phone excitedly.

"I-I'm pregnant." You say. 

After a long silence Tyler finally says.

"Oh my gosh I'm gonna be a dad! I'm gonna be a dad."

"Josh you hear that." You hear Tyler yell through the phone.

You laugh as your worries slip away.

"Babe I'll be home in one month it's almost over but I have to go I have a show to do, I love you." Tyler says.

"Ok baby good luck I love you too." You say.

As the line went dead you stand up and take a deep breath.

"Oh I thought he was gonna leave me." You say to yourself.

You begin to cook dinner and start to count down the days.

Sorry it's short, but if you want drop some requests down below if you want and I'll try to update! (You can recommend people for gifs as well!)


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