105: Ronnie (requested)

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Hi so this was requested by ryanroos I hope I have the right person... If I don't that's gonna be awkward... Sorry I made you wait so long for this but this chapter is dedicated to 3k reads thanks guys now enjoy!
Your POV
Your brother was Ronnie Radke. (Hope I spelt it right...)

You just turned 14 and wanted to get your belly button pierced.

"Hey Ronnie." You started as you walked in the living room.

"What's up little sis." He stated.

"Ok well I want to get my belly button pierced and I was wondering if you could take me." You said.

"Um I don't see why not." He said back.

"Yes thanks big r I'm gonna get ready." You say.

Your parents were basically whores.

One went to the bar and hooked up with someone and the other did the same thing.

You went upstairs and looked in your closet.

You decide on this:

Your basic everyday emo style

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Your basic everyday emo style.

You rush downstairs and Ronnie grabs his keys.

"Let's do this little sis." He says as you both walk out the door.

~time skip to after piercing because I'm lazy af~

It took like 5 seconds to get it done and it barely hurt.

Ronnie decided to get yet another tattoo.

After that was done you both head home to see your parents passed out on the couch.

"Thanks brother." You say to him.

"No problem little sis." He says back.

"Now what's for dinner?" You ask him.

"How's pizza sound?" He asks you.

"Sounds great to me." You say to him.

You head to your room and practice playing guitar.

Ronnie gave one of his guitars that he didn't use anymore.

You were lucky to have Ronnie as a brother.

Did ya like it?

If so please let me know and if you want you can request something in the comments right now!


And boom an idea.

There ya go!


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