112: Pete

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Request by:
The most amazing Idea giver in the entire world aka imfuckingtrash follow her!!
Your POV
Tonight you were performing with your band Real Love.
(I used a band generator so go with it.)

There was only 3 people in. Your band.

You:guitarist and backup vocals
Carly: lead singer
Brett: other guitarist/drummer

"Y/N, CARLY GUESS WHO WE OPEN FOR!" Brett yelled walking into the room.

"WHO?" You and Carly yell at the same time.

"FALL OUT BOY!" He yell back.

"What no way!" You say back excited.

You had a huge crush on Pete and he was a huge inspiration to you.

"Hey isn't that the band with the hot guy that you like?" Carly says.

You blush and say "Yes it is now shush."

She laughs. "Hey you may have a chance with him." She says bumping into you.

You roll your eyes and get ready.

For the show you were wearing (pic above).

After everyone got ready it was show time.

As you were about to go on stage you saw that Fall Out Boy was waiting on you guys.

"Good luck you guys!" Pete says.

"Thanks!" You say blushing.

"Alright let's do this shit!" Brett yells walking into the stage.

You laugh and walk out to listening to all your fans clap.

~after show~

Out of breath you walk off stage.

"Hey guys thanks for letting us preform for you." Brett says shaking all their hands.

It was your last opening show for them.

As you walk to Pete as your hugging him he whispered something in your ear along the lines of:

"Hey wait for me before you leave outside."

You smile and nod then go get changed in your dressing room.

~2 hours later~

You were standing by the back of the venue waiting for Pete.

"Y/n as much as you want to meet up with him we need to go." Brett says.

"Your right." You say.

"Yeah I always am now get your ass in this bus and let's go." He says.

You laugh and start walking to your tour bus.

"Y/N wait!" You hear Pete yell.

You turn around and smile as he runs up to you.

"Hey." You say.

Pete doesn't say anything he simply grabs your face and smashed your lips together.

You make out for a couple of minutes as you hear a bus window open.

"Y/n I thought I told-" Brett said cutting off mid sentence.

"Ewwwww what the fuck never mind." He says as he closes the window.

You laugh and Pete pulls away.

"Wow thanks." You say to him.

He grabs your phone gives you his number and tells you to text him.
~6 years later~
"And that Kylie is how me and your dad met." You tell your daughter.
Sorry if it was confusing guys...


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