151: Brendon

197 13 2

Before we start I want to thank you all so so so much for 7k! I love you all and because of you I made it here, so without further ado please enjoy!
Trigger warning: Mentions self harm stay safe frens 💞

Your POV

It was another long day of being home alone.

All you wanted was to be in Brendon's arms, but he was on tour right now.

He didn't know but you were going back into depression. You were beginning to self harm again.

Not wanting to you walk into the bathroom and look at your self in the mirror.

You point to yourself and say "Your ugly, your fat, you only care about yourself, you suck at life, you are stupid, you can't do anything right."

Tears were rolling down your cheeks.

"None of that's true." A familiar voice said.

"Brendon." You say as you run to him and hug him.

"Y/n why would you say that about your self?" He asks you.

"I just don't like the way I am I guess." You say.

"Y/n you are beautiful, beyond beautiful in fact, you aren't fat, the only thing fat about you is your heart, your not stupid your in fact very smart." He says.

You look at him and kiss him roughly.

"Thank you bren, I guess I just missed you so much." You say.

"It's ok." He says as he hugs you.

Alright I know this sucks and I'm sorry.

But I will try to make it up to you somehow soooooooo

Bye for now!


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