160: Dallon

143 17 1

Your POV
"I hate you!" You scream as you start to throw stuff at your boyfriend Dallon, probably one of your upcoming ex's.

"Listen I'm sorry." Dallon says ducking behind stuff trying to avoid being hit.

"Sorry can't fix this Dallon." You say tears falling.

Dallon came home with a mysterious hickey after being at the bar.

"J-just leave." You say in between sobs.

"Y/n please don't." Dallon pleaded to you.

You shake your head and point to the door.

"Out." You say more sternly.

-a few weeks later-

Your front door opens but you do nothing, you instead continue to stare at your wall.

"Y/n m/n l/n!" You hear Brendon yell.

"Get off your ass and take a shower." He yells towards you.

You do nothing but sit there, eyes glued to the wall.

"Y/n you do realize that Dallon didn't cheat on you." Brendon says. 

This perks your attention. You turn your head to Brendon.

"It was me who gave him the hickey, we were drunk and fans were watching." Brendon continued to say.

"And you didn't tell me?" You scream at him.

"He could have moved on by now. I could have gotten the chance to get him again along time ago." You say.

You run to the bathroom and take a shower then quickly get dressed.

You then have Brendon rush you to where Dallon was staying.

You knock on his door as soon as the door opened, Dallon graves your face and kissed you.

You pull away smiling and say "I'm sorry."

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