107: Josh part 2

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Your POV

It's been 5 weeks since Josh broke up with you but you completely moved on.

Of course you spent most of it in your room balling your eyes out and all but one day you got up and became a woman.

That day you were gonna go shopping so you quickly got dressed into (pic above).

Simple but cute, after doing your face and all that jazzy mc jazz you walk out the door and straight to your car.

Well jamming out to music at a stop light as it turned green and you went a car just so happened to run a red light.

The car collided into yours knocking into some other cars to.

It all happened in a blur first your car went rolling down a hill, then it hit a tree shattering you windshield and knocking you out cold.

You wake up in a room with a bunch of lights.

You step up and look at the hospital bed to see your body laying there.

You look around the room to see Tyler, Brendon, your parents and Josh.

Your mom was by your bed asleep and Josh was on the other side of you.

"Josh?" You say.

He didn't turn around he just continued to hold your hand.

Suddenly your mom wakes up and tells something to Josh and everyone gets up except Josh.

They all leave and Josh just stays there.

"Oh y/n." You hear Josh say.

You take the seat where your mom at and watch him.

"Oh y/n." He says again only tears dripping down his face.

"Please be ok please be ok." He says over and over again.

"I always loved you and I broke up with you because I thought I wasn't good enough for you I mean as soon as I walked away I regretted every fucking second." He continued to say.

Suddenly the monitor started beeping.

"No no no!" Josh screams as doctors rush in.

You stand by and watch the doctors trying to save your life.

You look at Josh to see him pacing and shaking whispering "come on baby you can do it."
Part 3?

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