
201 18 0

Your POV
You were excited cause you got to see your best friend Tyler.

Ever since he went on tour you had no one to talk to.

But today he was coming back from tour.

You got dressed into {your choice}. You slipped on shoes and headed to the airport.

As soon as you got there you began to be nervous.

What if he doesn't remember me?

What if-?

You cut yourself off in your head as you say "shut up."

You look up as you hear that Tyler's flight landed.

As everyone passed through the gates you finally saw Tyler.

You ran to him and jumped in his arms.

Tyler out you down and said

"Y/n I've been waiting a long time to ask you this... Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes yes I will!" You tell him.

Later that night you both went home and danced and fell asleep in each other's arms.
I'm sorry it's short I'm really tired and I wanted to actually update and not just have a/n all night.

1: how are you liking my new book?


2: next one should be about...?

Thanks everyone have a great night byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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