Tyler and Jenna

172 17 3

(Your Tyler and Jenna's kid)

Your POV

As you stomp op the stairs your mom calls to you.

"Y/n young lady get down here!"

"NO!" You yell as you slam your bedroom door hut and lock it.

You sit on your bed and let the tears flow.

Your mom and you had got into a fight over your grades.

It went from "I need you to retake these quizzes." To "How about I just drop out of school?" Real quick.

Your phone started to ring.

"Hello?" You answer.

"Hi yes is this y/n l/n?" She asks you.

"Yes why?" You say into the phone.

"Well we got a few calls of screaming coming from your house and we were wondering if you were ok." She says.

You roll your eyes and say "I'm flipping 15 I don't need you checking on me." You state as you hang up.

After an hour of laying on your bed and skipping dinner you came up with the idea of running away.

You sit up and pack some clothes.

You get changed into

You get changed into

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And rush downstairs.

Your mom and dad went to bed so you were good.

You grab some food and money and a few water bottles.

You run back upstairs to your room and climb out your window.

You drop to the ground and run off.

You run and catch a bus to Vegas.

You were going to Uncle Brendon's house.


part 2?

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