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Your POV
You were sitting at home alone when all of a sudden you get a call. The call was from your boss.

"Hello?" You ask.

"Oh hi y/n I'm sorry but I have to fire you. You did not turn in your papers for anything the last month and had missed 2 days of work."

You groan and hang up. "Why why me?" You yell.

Suddenly you start to shake. "Crap no no no." You thought.  

"Deep breaths in and out." You tell yourself.

A couple minutes later and your in a full breakdown anxiety attack.

You hear the door open. "Hey babe I'm." Tyler stopped mid sentence and dropped everything. He rushed to your side.

He picked you up bridal style and snuggled up to you on the couch.

"It's ok just breath in and out." He tells you calmly.

After you calmed down you told him what happened.

"My boss fired me because I was sick so long and I didn't turn in my papers." You told him.

"Oh it was a terrible job for you anyway you can find a much better job." He tells you.

"Hey Tyler."  You say.

"Yes babe?" He asks while smiling.

"I love you." You tell him while kissing him.

He smiles against the kiss and says "I love you too."
Hi guys updates all night again and go check out Josh_Duns_Sandwich band book she takes request and she just started it so don't go to hard on her anyway hope you liked it bye

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