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Your POV
Today was going to be perfect until the following events happened.

You decided to take a shower. As you were shaving you accidentally cut yourself.

"In the mother of fried chicken." You screamed. While washing the cut.

After it stopped bleeding you get dressed but ended up ripping your favorite shirt on accident. By now you were crying but things only got worse.

You tried to fix the shirt but that didn't work so you just got another one.

After that you went and made some toast and drank orange juice. Although the toast was severely burnt.

You rush to your car and try to start it but it wouldn't. You bang your head on the steering wheel and get out.

You rush to the curb and sit down and just break down into tears.

A few minutes later you feel someone tap your shoulder. You look up to see spencer your boyfriend.

You quickly hug him and say "Can you carry me inside?"

He laughs picks you up bridal style and takes you inside.

"There is that better?" He asks you.

You nod your head and then explain to him what happened.

"First I cut my leg while shaving then I ripped my favorite shirt then I burnt my toast and it tasted terrible and then I needed to leave but the car wouldn't start."

Spencer hugs you and rubs your back. "Where did you need to go?"

"I was going to bring you lunch but that didn't happen." You told him.

"Well thank you anyway baby I don't know what I would do without you."

After that you and spencer cuddle all night while watching your favorite movies.

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