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⚠️not proof read because not enough time⚠️
Your POV
When you went to school it got crazy all because of your group of friends.

That group consists of: Brendon, Ryan, Spencer, Dallon.

You walk into school that day feeling confident.

That day you were wearing (pic above).

As you walked in a group of boys gave you the wolf whistle.

Suddenly Brendon walked up to you and put his arm around you.

"Hey back off." He says to them.

They immediately put their hands up in defense and back away.

You hear Brendon mutter under his breath manwhores.

You chuckle to yourself.

You walk to home room and take your usual seat at the table you, Brendon, Ryan, Spencer, and Dallon sat at.

"What's up home dog!" Dallon says sitting down.

You roll your eyes and laugh.

Then Spencer, Ryan, and Brendon come in.

They all sat down and you all began to talk like always.

"Hey beebo thanks for protecting me this morning." You say.

"No problem." He tells you.

"So since spook houses and stuff has started who wants to go tonight?" Dallon asks.

"Meeee!" You say super excited.

Everyone else agreed for a haunted hayride and that Dallon would pick you all up at your houses.

~after school~

You open the door to your house and see your mom cooking.

"Hey mommy." You say.

"Hey!" She says.

"So about tonight." You say.

"It's all right Dallon already called and asked if it was ok." She said.

You thank her and finish your homework.

You quickly change into

Just in time you hear a car horn honk

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Just in time you hear a car horn honk.

"That's my ride momma I love you." You say giving her a hug.

"I love you too honey be safe." She says.

"I will!" You say as you walk out the door.

You quickly hop into Dallon's car and climb into the back by Ryan and Spencer.

In the middle of the car ride Ryan yawns and puts his arm around you.

You look at him and say "What ever fuckboy."

Everyone laughs and you smile.

"So y/n will you go out with me?" Ryan asks you.

A little taken back by the question it finally sinks in.

"Um yeah I will." You say.

"Good job stick boy I told you you could do it." Brendon said.

You laugh "stick boy?"

Ryan nods his head.

You both continue to laugh and you all spend the rest of the night spook housing.

I sincerely apologize for the sucky ending but at least I updated.

Thanks guys!


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