152: Josh (part 1)

170 15 4

Your POV

It's was another long day at school, a sucky day in fact.

Today you had to:
1.) Wait for your brother Tyler to be done with basketball practice
2.) Then go with Tyler to his friends house and watch them practice.

"Y/l/n, not paying attention again?" You hear the teacher yell.

"Sorry." You say slightly embarrassed.

The bell rings and you head straight to your locker.

You grab your back and head to the gym and sit at the very top.

While playing on your phone you hear someone sit beside you.

You look over to see Josh one of your long time friends also known as your crush.

But then you hear Brendon sit down beside you on your other side.

Brendon was your BFF, Partner in crime. Whatever you wanna call it.

"Hey Beebo!" You say as you hug him.

"Soup!" He says.

You laugh and question him.

"Soup?" You say.

"Yeah." He says as you roll your eyes.

"So y/n are you coming with Tyler and I to band practice at my house?" Josh asks you.

"Well I kinda have to." You say.

"Ok." Josh says.

Since practice was almost over, you start walking to Tyler's car with Brendon.

"Hey y/n?" Brendon starts.

Before you knew it you were blacked out and being carried by Brendon.
Sorry it's short...

Part 2?

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