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(This is based off old panic! And you wear this to the party)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POVYou just got off the phone with Brendon

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Your POV
You just got off the phone with Brendon. He wanted you to come to a party and meet his band.

You had agreed after he said that they were cute and they were single.

You got dressed into (pic in a/n)

Then you did your makeup and put your hair in a high ponytail.

You sat on the couch waiting for Brendon to pick you up.

A few minutes later you hear a honk and it was Brendon. You turn all the lights off and run to the car.

"Hey Bren." You say as you hug him.

Bren was like a brother to you so what he said next made sense.

"Hey y/n how are you?" As he said this he looked you up and down then pointed to your house and said "Go change."

You laugh and say "haha no."

After that you leave to go to the party.

~20 minutes later~

You and Bren arrived to as he said Pete's house. You both got out and went inside.

As soon as you stepped inside you smelt alcohol. The music was so loud you could have sworn your ears started to bleed.

You walked around the house with Brendon. He took you over to a boy a little older than you. He introduced him to you as spencer.

Then he took you over to a boy your age and said he was Jon.

The last boy he took you to meet was as he said Ryan. You instantly felt feelings for him.

"Hi I'm y/n." You tell him.

"Hi want a drink?" He asks offering you a drink from his cup.

Without a hesitation you grab his cup and drink the burning liquid. Even though you hated it you still drank a lot like A LOT. 

By the end of the night you were on the floor with Bren,Jon,spence, and Ryan  all of you laughing and being crazy.

All of a sudden you hear Pete and his band walk over. "Let's play 7 minutes in heaven."

Everyone agreed and went to the basement. There was a big closet in the basement and an open space.

Everyone sat in a circle with an empty bear bottle in the middle.

At first it landed on Patrick and Pete. Then it landed on you and Ryan.

You blush deeply as he grabs your hand and pulls you to the closet.

As soon as you get in there Ryan starts to make out with you. He soon leaves a trail of kisses on your jawline then leaves a hickey on your neck.

Those 7 minutes passed quickly cause Pete came to get you.

As soon as you sit down Brendon comes over to you and looks at your neck.

"Is that a hickey?" He asks Ryan.

"Yes sir." Ryan says smirking at you.

Brendon walks to him but you quickly pull him back.

"Bren stop he didn't hurt me and I really like him." You tell him.

He looks at you then to Ryan. "Ok I give you the blessing to date my best friend."

"Ok thank you and y/n will you be my girlfriend?" Ryan asks you.

"Yes I will!" You tell him exited.

After the party the band crashed at your house.

Ryan slept with you after convincing beebo that you wouldn't do anything.

That night you and Ryan cuddled and talked about everything. 

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