"You actually made them search lakes and rivers for a fish?" England asked.

"Yeah dude." America replied casually.

Honduras continued to read, "This is about Germany and Prussia,

            'The fire department has their own code just for them. Because Gilbert sets their house on fire almost weekly. The firefighters argue on who has to go each time.'     

"That is why your not allowed in the kitchen alone." Germany said.

Prussia and a few other nations just laughed.

"But Gilbird is always with me West."

"Not including him, he can't stop you from setting the stove on fire."

"Next up is Canada," Honduras said.

        'Canada can get high on maple syrup but when he he's out of it or there's a shortage of it in his country. He goes into Manada mode........ And when that happens, the western hemisphere goes into an emergency shut down mode.'    

The eastern hemisphere countries just stared at Canada.

In the past after a few incidents, the bosses of the western hemisphere countries had set up a meeting, and came up with what to do if Canada ever went Manada again.

Because of Manada, every single country and their government buildings, in the western hemisphere has a stock of maple syrup.

Some eastern hemisphere countries made note to keep some maple syrup at their houses.

"This is about Romano and Prussia,

        'Prussia and Romano are very close. Not romantically. But they're very good friends. But no one else knows about their friendship.'

"Next!!!!" Romano yelled, blushing a bit.

"Lovi, you look like a tomato."

"Shut it bastard."

"A note about Prussia and Liechtenstein,

        'Sometimes Prussia has to babysit Liechtenstein for Switzerland and when he does they like to catch butterflies and untune Austria's piano.'

There were some 'Awww's while Austria had a shocked expression.

"Your a bad influence on her." Austria grumbled.

Prussia and Liechtenstein just laughed.

"This is a note about the Ancients,

       'One day, China invited the Ancients over......... And a lot of stuff happened..'

A memory started to show.

China was talking with some Ancients at his house, they were eating with chopsticks. The Ancients looked a bit confused, some tried to use the chopsticks and failed.

"China, you have really nice hair. Can I braid it?" Ancient Egypt asked.

China nodded, and she started to braid it. The other Ancients were still trying to find out how to use the chopsticks.

Rome pointed a chopstick at Germania, the two soon started to swordfight. Rome ran into Britannia, she waved a chopstick like a wand and said a spell. All of a sudden a squirrel appeared, it looked at Rome and took a step towards him.

Rome took a step back, the squirrel took another step forward. Rome started running but the animal followed.

China, who was watching the scene ran out the house before coming back with a squirrel army. He picked up some chopsticks that were on the table and gave in to them. He then pointed at Rome, who was still running from the first squirrel.

The army looked at Rome and started to run after him too. After running around the house a little, the squirrels stopped. Rome threw the chopsticks on the ground and backed away from them.

Germania, who was watching the whole scene was cracking up, he somehow threw his chopsticks which ended up in Scandinavia's nose.

The two looked at each other for awhile before Scandinavia threw his chopsticks at Germania, aiming for his nose. He missed, and Germania smirked at him.

The two soon started to throw chopsticks at other Ancients, trying to shove them up their noses.

China was just laughing as he watched the Ancients, while Ancient Egypt was still braiding his hair.

The countries couldn't control their laughter as the memory faded.


Gary looked at the book of secrets again. It was almost finished.


Okay guys, this is the 3rd to last chapter. So next chap most likely won't have much entries and this book might end tomorrow. 


When the silence comes to lightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora