[Preference] His Favorite Thing About You

Start from the beginning

Your powers of listening also came in quite handy when he needed to rant about something that had been bothering him lately. Be it, his favorite artist postponing a new album or something as serious as a team member who had been rather aggressive or angry lately. You were always ready to hear him and actually try to understand the deeper points of what he was getting at.

You even provided ample feedback and opinions, whenever the situation called for it. It was a refreshing change in his life to finally have someone who listened to him, rather than him always being the one listening.


Cheesy as it may sound, the cowboys favorite feature was your lips. When they were their normal color, or when you dolled them up in a shade of lipstick, even when they were swollen from a hard hit in a fight, it didn't matter to him. He loved your lips any way they came and would never want them any different.

If you asked him why it was his favorite, he wouldn't have an answer. Maybe it was because of how they felt against his own, smooth and delicate or chapped and rough, the kind of kiss didn't matter because they were your lips. He could never get enough of the sensation.

He had confided in you once that he felt as though your lips spoke to him and explained you in a way that words couldn't. When they were pressed against his own, he got a flutter in his chest and suddenly it was as though he knew everything there could ever be to know about you.

But at the same time, your lips were also code to him, one that he had easily deciphered. He knew that a kiss on the lips meant you were enjoying your time with him or maybe you wanted to go somewhere more private. A kiss on the cheek was a way of telling him you weren't feeling 100%, be it sick or sad. And a kiss on the forehead was your way of providing comfort to him, reminding him that you were always going to be there. 

Your lips were definitely his favorite and he didn't care if the world painted him any differently for it.


Your entire face. No question about it. Gabriel was enthralled by the way you expressed how you felt using all of your features, no matter the emotion. Sometimes you would scrunch up your nose and it would make your eyebrows furrow and your mouth move up as well. When you laughed, your smile widened, your eyes closed and it really gave off a peaceful feeling.

Something about looking at your face set his heart ablaze and he could never explain why. He just loved it. From your gorgeous orbs to your button nose, all the way down to your adorable grin he could never get enough of staring at your beautiful face.

When you first joined Overwatch, Soldier 76 would have to smack the back of his head to get him to focus on the importing things like mission briefings. He was just so captivated by your face that he couldn't draw his attention away. It didn't really become a problem until he was so distracted on missions that you had to be placed on a different team than he did so that neither of you got killed.


For some reason, the overly large German was struck by your hair. The way is seemed to sparkle in the sun and how the wind always caught it just right. To him, you always looked like a model at the fashion shoot who everyone strived to be. On occasions, he would find himself staring at it and thinking that exact thing.

When you two would hang out alone, it was rare if he wasn't running his fingers through your locks and finding comfort in the silkiness of it. He frequently asked you what brands of shampoo and conditioner you used, but you always brushed it off as a joke. There was no way a manly man such as Reinhardt wanted to use girly hair products just to get soft hair.


Soldier 76

For Jack, it wasn't a physical attribute that he was attracted to. He thought you were beautiful, of course, but that wasn't what pulled him to you. It was your heart. He believed you to be the absolute sweetest person he had ever met, and for a few good reasons too.

When you first met Jack, he was cold and heartless. He would always make snide remarks and snicker to himself whenever anyone slipped up. He was the epitome of a good man with bad intentions. He would occasionally make hurtful jokes to you, as a defense mechanism for not wanting to be hurt again. Luckily for Jack, you persisted.

Your kind heart refused to let you back down from the challenge the aging veteran presented. Everyday you went out of your way to greet him and ask him how he was feeling. For a while, it was always a gruff 'fine now get out of my way' but you didn't stop.

Once Jack realized that you weren't trying to mess with him, he fell head over heels. You were just so sweet and so pure that he couldn't even imagine his life without your voice singing good morning to him everyday. The thought of losing that beautifully kind heart was terrifying to him and he was so happy that you never stopped being you.

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