Today is the day I finally get to go to Disneyland with Megan, seeing as we have never been before. Daniel and Logan are tagging along too. ~A/n: Just pretend they're at Disney okay, I don't even know the difference between Disneyland or DisneyWorld because I'm not American.~ I smile and grab my sunglasses, and my raincoat just in case. I stuff it into my backpack along with necessities. I grab my portable charger and my phone. I open my door and ring, Megan, whilst I'm waiting.


(Megan: Mg Morgan: M)

Mg: Morning.


Mg: Calm down, I'm ready. I'll be there for Logan soon, seeing as you are with Daniel.

M: Okay, I told you! Plus you really like Logan soo?


M: I'm messing with you, I'll see you when we get there. Bye!


I laugh and put my phone down as I see Logan walk through the door with his bag. Ayla is taking care of Kong and Maverick so we have that sorted. I grab a bowl from our cupboard and yet again, I can't reach my cereal. I huff and climb onto the counter, grabbing it and jumping back down. I pour my cereal and eat it as the door opens, revealing a wild Megan. I laugh and she hugs me, I hug back.

"Nice to see you so cheery!"~Megan. I frown at her and she glares as I laugh. Logan walks in and looks at confused because Daniels not here. As if on cue, the door gets knocked on and I run to it, revealing Daniel looking very happy. He smiles and walks inside, pulling me into a hug, lightly kissing my forehead.

"I told you we would be third wheels, Logan."~Megan blurts out. 

"I knew it! I knew Daniel would tag along."~Logan. I glare at them both as they shut up laughing. I turn to Daniel and see him smiling.

"Oh my god. Daniel this is Megan, Megan this is Daniel."~Morgan. Logan covers my mouth so I don't repeat what I did last time. I lick the palm of his hand and he pulls it away disgusted but laughing. Daniel and Megan shake hands and she looks at him lovesick. I scowl and Daniel let's go, coming over to me and whispering in my ear. 

"She is no competition for you Princess."~He whispers biting my earlobe as he pulls back. I smirk at him and he smirks back as Logan picks me up over his shoulder and heads out the door with Megan and Daniel trailing behind us. I punch his back and he lets me go, letting me down to the floor as I instantly become small again. I laugh as Daniel grabs my hand and intertwines them, walking down the hallway to the elevator.


We arrived at Disneyland and got our tickets, Logan and Daniel went off to find a ride so Megan and I stayed put.

"No joke, I have no idea why we came here because I hate rides."~Morgan.

"Me either. Let's just wait around for the boys."~Megan. I laugh as she pulls me to a Candy Stand and buys tonnes. I grab some Gummy Worms from my bag and open the packet as Daniel walks over and steals one. I glare at him, earning a laugh back. 

"These are mine."~I say as he pops it into his mouth and smiles.

"No, they're ours."~Daniel. He tries stealing more but every time I bat his hand off, earning a glare/laugh. He grabs the packet from me in the end and I scowl at him, turning my back.

"No! Your face is prettier."~Daniel exclaimed wrapping his arm around my waist and twisting me to face him. I smile and peck his lips before he lets me go and I walk around Disneyland with Megan.

~Time Skip~

It's so dark outside, we're waiting for the Fireworks. I am stood with Daniel and Megan is getting a piggyback from Logan. They're so cute together. 

"Look!"~Megan says pointing to the fireworks that are starting up. We saw a couple of flashes behind us and see Logan taking pictures. Daniel grabs my waist and kisses me, for a full-on 2 minutes! Logan had taken pictures and I laughed.

"You two are goals!"~I say to Logan and Megan. Megan blushes and so does Logan. I smile and turn back to Daniel.

~Smol Time Skip~

Daniel had carried me back to Logan's car. I was in the back seat asleep. I was finally picked up again, realising Daniel had picked me up like a bride. I smiled and he must've seen me as he smiled down at me. Logan opened the door to his apartment as Daniel walks in slowly and puts me down on my bed. 

"Goodnight Princess."~Daniel. He was just about to leave the room when I grabbed his wrist and he spun around at my force.

"Stay. I don't want to be alone."~Morgan. He smiles and lies next to me. I quickly get up and run to my bathroom, changing into my pyjamas and brushing my teeth. I laid back down next to Daniel and got under the covers. 

"Princess, Let's have a Netflix day tomorrow."~Daniel

"Okay, What movie/tv show?"~Morgan

"Anything you want."~Daniel

"Let's watch Riverdale, How I Met Your Mother and...  Whatever you choose."~Morgan

"All the good tv shows were just chosen."~Daniel. I smiled as he kissed my forehead, as I reach over and turn my lamp off. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, As I fell asleep in a second...


(2017 me: I promised a longer chapter, but I have no inspiration. I NEED INSPIRATION! Plus, I have exams next week .-. MOCK EXAMS ARE HORRIBLE. WE HAVE TO SIT IN A TENNIS HALL FOR 2 PERIODS OF OUR DAY! I HATE MY LIFE RN! KM. Okay, I made a meme of Jake Paul. Okay bye! Stay Alive My Killjoys! <3)

(2019 me: little did I know my entire year 10 fucking year was Mock Exams, such a clown)

The One ||Daniel Seavey, Book 1||Where stories live. Discover now