Chapter 1 - Not the best way to start the Honeymoon.

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“That's it. Honeymoon.” Clayton threw something against a wall, a tea towel, raising his hands in defeat as Nick growled against the back of my neck.

We had been doing the dishes, the dishwasher had broken down, and I'd been trying to wash. Trying. Nick, my husband of two and half years, kept rubbing up behind me, apparently to help, but he kept 'accidentally' dribbling water down my chest. Making it cling. His hips grinding against mine with soft growls as he did pathetic jobs at scrubbing dishes. Not surprising- I was in his way.

Poor Clayton, the Pack Enforcer and Protector, was rinsing and drying the dishes, was getting an eyeful he didn't want to get, getting dishes that weren't completely clean, handing them back and extending his torment. Elena, his wife and the future Alpha, had been sitting at the table with our toddler Dominic in her lap, watching us, trying to not laugh as Clayton's veins on his neck started to bulge out. 

We, out of all the couples, were the most public with our affection. I'd realised this months ago at the triplet's first Christmas but pushing Nick away just made him try harder. He enjoyed it when I pushed him away. Enjoyed it when I ignored him. Enjoyed it when I responded. Realistically, it was made worse by the fact that our sex life was all based on the 'creative' moments now. Our triplets were two years old in a month and that naturally meant chaos. They were all walking, attemtping to talk, and creating chaos in their wake. Cute adorable curly haired chaos, sure, but chaos.

Nick was yanked away from me by Clayton's hand, pushed into a chair, Clayton pinning him there by lowering Lily and Susie onto each of his knees, forcing him to stay put. Then he returned and we tried to finish. I gazed at them in the reflection of the window- Nick, gorgous man with dark brown curls, warm brown eyes, and his girls on his lap with identical blonde curls and big blue eyes. Big blue eyes set on the living room and big brains set on getting off their daddy's lap and charging off. Dominic had reddish brown hair, closer to my shade than Nick's hair, and big brown eyes. He was the peaceful one, happy to sit in a lap for as long as the adult could stand it, as long as he had his thumb to hang onto and someone to watch. Right now he was watching me with his intense little eyes.

“You two need a honeymoon.” Clayton glanced at me. I flushed and he rolled his eyes.

“Yeah.” I agreed, but glanced back at the toddlers. Honeymoons were for married couples with no kids.

“You two need a honeymoon. If I see him groping you again in here, I'm going to get you thrown out of a helicopter myself.” Clayton growled as he heard Nick stand, shooting him a look, and Nick flopped back down. Crossed his arms. The two girls, now on the ground, were already heading for the living room. Seeking Jeremy- The Pack Alpha- most likely. They were obsessed with him and their grandfather, Antonio, and tended to shadow the two older men around the house whenever possible.

Clayton nudged me. “You're going as fast as we can shove you on a plane.”

“Ana's coming though.” Another problem, I easily found another excuse, remembering the twelve year old were-jaguar girl. Something about needing to stay with us for a few weeks before she started boarding school in New York. I had to be here for that too. 

“In three weeks. You don't need to be here to get her room ready.” Elena spoke up. She lowered the little boy to the ground as his focus shifted to his sisters and he tried to get down. Dominic headed after his sisters. She added, her voice taking on that edge that she got as 'alpha', something that I wished I could say was new since Jeremy had stepped down. But it wasn't. She'd been using that voice on us for months. “It's discussed and agreed on by all of us. You're going. I'll call Jeremy and see if we can take up Jamie's offer about the island.”

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