26. It's Just Another Manic Monday

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26. It's Just Another Manic Monday


"Urmgh" Hikaru woke up at 3am feeling cold. He groggily opens his eyes. Miya was sleeping on the other side of the bed with her left leg hanging off of the bed.

Hikaru notices this and furrows his brow. He sleepily rolls over to Miya and intertwines his leg with Miya's. He presses her against his chest and cradles her head into his arms. Then her long arms wrap around Hikaru's waist as she nuzzles her head into his chest.


'WAKE UP MIYA!!! Hurry hurry It's MONDAAAAAAY!'

"Shut up Maya!" I shove my head under Hikaru's shirt.


"Miya!" Hikaru leaps up and fall off the bed.

"Jeez....what's your problem?" I huff as I limply get up.

"W-why was your head-?"

"Maya kept yelling like an idiot!" I stormed into the bathroom. Took a quick bath and changed.

When I went downstairs I saw Hikaru and Kaoru eating breakfast.

"Sup motherfu- I mean good morning....Hikaru, Kaoru." I saw Hikaru and Kaoru's mum come out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in one hand and a fashion magazine in the other.

"Oh! Miya!" She smiles brightly and puts her cup and magazine down.

"Good morning Aunt Yuzuha." I smile back and she gives me a death gripping hug.

"No! Not Aunt Yuzuha anymore! Now you can call me mum!" She shrills.

"U-uh why?"

"Because now that you're Hikaru's future wife! You c-" She was cut off by Hikaru spitting out his orange juice.

"M-mum!" He yells, wiping his blazer.

"The car is ready." Their chauffeur announces.

"Let's go!" Hikaru grabs my wrist and drags me out.

"Bye Miya~!" I hear Yuzuha call out.

- At School -

Man! It feels like iI haven't been here in a while.

'Man...this place is sucha shit hole'

Maya! It's actually....okay.

'Seriously? And man! You hardly notice me anymore ever since you started dating the doppelganger boy!'

Yeah...i'm sorry! But things have settled down now so...

'And on wednesday we have to go to the lab.'

Yeah...man...how tiring.

"Goodmorning Haruhi." Hikaru and Kaoru chimed.

"Morning Hikaru, Kaoru. Hey Miya." She high-fives then fist pumps my hand.

"Sup sista!" I click my tongue and give her a wink.

"What's that?" Hikaru sniggers.

"You jelly? Haruhi's mah gurl!" I fist pump the air and hug Haruhi.

"Whatever." He huffs out and turns around.

"Awww! Is Hika-chan jealous? Hah!" I pinch his cheek.

"S-shut up!" He blushes.

I laugh and turn around to see girls glaring at me. "Don't give me that ugly face! You piss me off!" I yell and they turn around, flipping their hair. "Yeah yeah flip those hobo hair extensions...spoilt mother-" I mumble the last bit and was about to sit on my chair when...

Two Souls (OHSHC Hikaru love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon