Embarrassing the Ancients

Start from the beginning

"Everyone makes mistakes aru"


"Yes Germany, you already been forgiven for that war. If you weren't we wouldn't be allies." England said.

Germany felt like a huge weight was taken off him.

For years he wondered if the countries still hated him for that war.

They did back then.

But they didn't anymore.

After awhile Austria started to read again.
    "This one is about China.

China is four thousand years old !! He can cook any ingredient even junk and make it taste delicious !! For some reason whenever something really happens to him, something really horrible immediately follows, so he's gotten really tough mentally. He has everything within his country, an was like that even when he was a shut in !! His "Aru!" Expresses dreams, romance, and hope.
"Wow" Tawian said looking at China.

"Does this mean you can cook me a tire !?!" South Korea yelled.

"Umm I guess, but I'm sure eating a tire isn't healthy"

"Who cares ? It's gonna taste delicious!!"

Many countries realized that they needed to treat China with more respect. Not just because he's the oldest out of all of them but because of what he been through.

"You know China, maybe there's a spell I can use to stop horrible things from happening to you after good things." England suggested.

"You don't have to do that aru, I'm use to it. I learned to deal with it"

"Ok, that is very impressive. But if you ever need that spell though."

China nodded. "Thank you aru"

Austria decided to continue. "This is a note about Romano."

'Romano knows how to play the piano and other instruments, make beautiful art and can sing really well. He is just as talented as North Italy. He just doesn't show it as much as he does.'

"Aww Roma can you sing for me ?" Spain said pinching Romano's cheeks.

"No bastard !! Next !!"

Austria nodded and continued. "This one belongs to Sealand."

Dear Dairy,

'I was just a baby when my mother faded away. I don't really remember her, I wish I did. My brothers don't really talk that much about her. Since makes them cry. I wish I knew more about her. Even if it's just about what color hair she has'

"I'm sorry lad, we really should tell more about Mum." Northern Ireland said looking at Sealand sadly.

"You guys don't have to, I mean I do want to know more about her but I.. I don't want to make you guys cry though." Sealand said looking down.

"Nonsense, she's your mother too and you deserve to know all about her." Scotland said.

"You know, I can tell you a bit about her too." China said to the U.K. brothers.

"Really ?" England asked.

"Yes, I was very good friends with her along with Rome and Germaina. Do you want to her about the 'Growth Incident' ?"

"Yes !!" Sealand yelled.

"Ok then, so one day I was visiting her house. She was sick and wasn't feeling that well."

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