It's Called Family, North Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"Really !?" South Korea asked. "Can I punch you ?"

Then China said something nobody would ever expect. "Sure."

S. Korea drew his hand back and mad a fist with all his force he punched China in the stomach.

Everyone waited.

China didn't flinch, cry, or wince. He just sat there like nothing happen.

"Dude that was awesome !!!!"


"Yao-Yao is very strong." 

"China-san that was very amazin

"That was cool !!!"

China just smirked.

Being the oldest had its advantages.

Ukraine picked up the book again. "This about Iceland

         Iceland can see all of Norway's magical friends. He just pretends he doesn't because he loved hearing Norway's stories about them when he was little and still does. But he rather die before admitting it though."     

Once again a few of the female nations started to 'awww' while Norway looked at Iceland.

"Really ?"

Iceland blushed and didn't respond.

"Awww Icey likes to listen to big brother's stories about his friends. Now say big brother."


"Say it" he started to poke Iceland's cheek


"Come on. Just once for big brother ?" 


"Say it"

Iceland sighed. He wasn't getting out of this. "Big Brother" he said.

Everyone minus Norway gasped.

Norway stopped poking Iceland's cheek and just stood there staring at Iceland.







Norway squealed. (Yeah he's gonna be a bit O.O.C.) "He said it !!!! He said it !!!"

He hugged Iceland close. "He said it !! He said 'Big Brother !!!" He stopped and turned to the other countries some who were trying not to laugh.

"He said it right ? You all heard him right ?"

The countries nodded.

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He said it !!!!!! He said it, and you all heard it yeahhhhhh !!!'

Norway removed his shirt and started waving it around as he ran around the room like a maniac as if it were the World Cup. " Yeahhhhh !!!! He said it yeahhhhh !!!! HE SAID IT !!!!! HE-" He was cut off when he ran into a very infamous frying pan and passed out.

Sweden got up, walked over and threw Norway over his shoulder before walking back to his seat and dropping an unconusious Norway into his seat.




Everyone started to crack up. Even nations who didn't show much emotion cracked a smile.

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