jake & alex; sad times

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*Jake's grandma did die in real life in May 2017, but I just changed the date to match my story. Send suggestions please! Love • Bree ❤️*

Alex is downstairs, with all four kids trying to keep them occupied. Levi is now walking up a storm and Avery is more alert for being a few weeks old.

Alex is letting Jake get some much needed alone time upstairs, taking a shower and relaxing without interruptions from kids.

Jake has finally taken a shower. He has been wanting to take one for two days, but the girls have been sick and Alex has been a lot doing red carpets events.

Jake gets out of shower, wearing Alex's Taylor Swift shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Jake checks his phone and sees that his mom has called several times.

Jake calls his mom and learns horrible news. His grandma, who has appeared in YouTube videos, the one he calls often for parenting advice after his mom, the one that buys a ton of things for the kids and the one that is a loving grandma and great grandma has passed away.

Meanwhile back downstairs, Alex is finishing up making lunch for Levi, Aurora and Scarlett. Alex is feeding Avery his afternoon bottle.

"Hey Scarlett, can you tell Daddy that I have lunch ready?" Alex asks and Scarlett nods, running upstairs to her parent's master bedroom.

Scarlett opens the door and sees Jake crying. Scarlett walks over to Jake and taps his knee.
"What's wrong, Daddy?" Scarlett asks as she sits next to Jake on the bed.

"Nothing. I just read something sad, that's all." Jake says as he tries to contain his emotions. "Oh! Well, Papa said that lunch is ready!" Scarlett says as she kisses Jake cheek, making Jake smile.

"I'll be downstairs in a minute, baby." Jake says as Scarlett walks back downstairs. "Daddy is coming! He was crying though." Scarlett says as Alex's ears pop at the word crying.

"Did he say why he was crying?" Alex asks Scarlett. "No! He just said he read something sad." Scarlett says as she begins to eat her piece of pizza.

Scarlett and Aurora talk about tea parties while Levi listens in. Avery is fast asleep in his pack 'n' play.

Alex checks his phone and sees the text from Jake's family members about Jake's grandmas passing. Alex figures out why Jake was crying but doesn't want to tell the girls and Levi without Jake by his side.

Jake walks downstairs with a red face and blood shot eyes. "Hey babe." Alex says as he hugs Jake tightly.

Alex and Jake eat lunch together with the three older ones and then they play for an hour before it is nap/quiet time for the kids. Alex goes upstairs to check on the kids.

Scarlett has fallen asleep despite insistently saying she wasn't tired. Levi and Aurora are also asleep in their rooms.

"Allie?" Jake says softly. "Yes?" Alex says as he walks down the steps. "I need to tell you some sad news." Jake says as he begins to cry.

"I know. Your mom texted me. I'm sorry for your loss, baby." Alex says as Jake hugs him tightly.

Jake begins to breakdown in Alex's arms. Alex didn't mind however, he just wanted to comfort his extremely upset husband.

"I can't believe she is gone! Like why did this happen?" Jake says as he sniffles. "I don't know, baby. I wish I can make your pain go away." Alex says tenderly.

Alex holds Jake into his arms tightly, rubbing circles in his back. Jake and Alex cuddle on the couch for a while, until Avery cries. Jake cuddles Avery making them both feel better. Avery looks around and yawns.

"I'm so glad grandma got to meet Avery." Jake says as he sniffles and kisses Alex. "I know. She got to meet all of our kids. You feel okay? If you don't want to go out tonight that's perfectly fine, sweety." Alex asks and Jake nods.

"I'll think on it. Maybe going out will make me feel better. Plus, we promised Scarlett and Aurora we will go to Uncle Mitch and Uncle Scott's house." Jake says.

"That's true. I texted Scott about what's going on he said it's fine whatever you decide, babe." Alex says as he kisses Avery.

When all the kids are up from their naps, Jake and Alex decide to tell them the news. "Scarlett, Aurora, come here guys." Alex says as the girls run over to Alex and Jake.

Levi is sitting on Jake's lap while Alex is holding Avery. "I got a call from Gamma and she gave Daddy and I bad news today. Gigi passed away today." Alex says as he holds Jake's hand tightly.

Scarlett and Aurora face turns into confusion. Levi doesn't understand yet because he is only one. "Where is she now?" Aurora asks Alex and Jake innocently.

"She's in heaven now, sweety. She is an angel with Jesus now." Jake says. "Can't we visit her?" Scarlett asks.

"We can't visit her in heaven. It's not our time to be in heaven." Alex says softly. Scarlett begins to cry. "Aw, it's okay baby girl. It's okay." Jake says as he hugs Scarlett.

Aurora begins to cry and climbs into Alex's lap. "Gigi is gonna watch over us, okay? She will always be in our hearts. She loves all of you very very much." Alex says softly.

Jake calls his mom so the kids can talk to her and feel better.

After talking about Gigi and death for another hour, Alex and Jake take the kids to Scott and Mitch's house to play for a few hours before going back home.

Alex posts a picture of Jake, himself, the kids and Jake's grandma. He writes the caption as: "Rest in peace, Gigi. Thank you for embracing me as your second grandson as you called me! You were the coolest woman ever. You spoiled our four kiddos rotten and they all love you! 👼🏼"

Jake posts a picture of his grandma with all the kids. He writes the caption as: "Rest in peace, grandma. Until we meet again. I love you 👼🏼❤️"

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