esther; welcoming hana

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*Esther and Darien have adopted another baby girl! I didn't plan this so that is why she is not in the newest Instagram captions. I hope you guys enjoy! Love  • Bree 🐼

Esther and Darien are in the process of adopting a baby girl! Her name is going to be Hana Rose Koop.

Hana was born on April 25th, six weeks early and is in the NICU to gain more weight. Esther and Darien finally got permission from the court system to meet their new daughter.

Esther and Darien walk into the NICU and smile at the nurse. "She's right over here, she just ate a bottle. Her second one today." The nurse says as she walks Esther and Darien to Hana's incubator.

"She does not use any oxygen and her breathing is perfect. All she needs to do is keep her temperature up and gain some weight. Then she can come home!" The nurse says as she checks on Hana.

Esther looks at Hana, who is fast asleep. Hana has dark black hair, and hazel eyes. She has a button nose.

"She is so tiny. Hi baby girl." Esther says as she smiles at Hana, as she watches Hana move around in her incubator.

"Would you like to hold her? You definitely can." The nurse asks and Esther happily nods. Esther sits in the rocking chair with her shirt open.

The nurse lays Hana on Esther's bare chest and covers her up with a light pink blanket. This is called Kangaroo care.

Hana opens her eyes and yawns. "If you guys need anything, we will be right over here." The nurse says to Darien and Esther. "Thank you so much." Darien says.

Esther kisses Hana's cheek and she rubs Hana's back. "Hi baby girl. I'm Mama. And Daddy is here too, baby girl." Esther says as she slowly rocks in the rocking chair. Darien holds Hana's hand as she opens her eyes.

"Her eyes are opened, Esther. Hey Hana, hey baby girl." Darien says as he kisses Esther. "She is so perfect. I can't believe she is going to be ours." Esther says as she rubs Hana's back.

A lawyer walks in the NICU and hands Darien a piece paper. "She is beautiful. She has gotten bigger since the last time I saw her when I took pictures for you guys to see her." The lawyer says as she puts her suitcase down and sits in between to Esther and Darien.

"Yes, she definitely has gotten bigger. I am so grateful that we are able to hold her today and be with her." Esther says to the lawyer.

"Well, I have wonderful news for you both and your family. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Koop, Hana is officially your daughter now. Her birth mother just officially signed her rights away and all the paper work is finalized for you both to be Hana's parents." The lawyer says as he shakes Darien and Esther's hands.

"Thank you so much." Esther and Darien says in unison. The lawyer, Esther and Darien talk about the other kids and talk about how Evalina is doing, since the lawyer helped them adopt her as well.

After thirty minutes of talking, the lawyer leaves. Esther and Darien hug each other and kiss Hana.

"You are a Koop now, baby girl. We love you so much and are so happy you are in our family." Darien says as he kisses Hana's cheek.

A few days later, Evalina is allowed to meet Hana! Gabriel and Noah are too young to visit their new baby sister in the NICU.

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