esther; evalina meets the twins

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*Its time for Evalina to meet her baby brothers! How will she react? Thank you guys for all the comments, votes and love! Love you guys! • Bree 💜

Darien is heading to pick Evalina up from Avi's house. Darien walks in the house and Evalina runs up to him.

"Are you ready to see Mama, Gabriel and Noah?" Darien asks and Evalina nods happily.

Evalina hugs Avi, Kate, and Israel. "Call us if you need anything, Darien." Avi says. "I will Avi, thank you so much for watching Evie for us." Darien says as he picks up Evalina.

"No problem! Take more pictures! I love them all!" Kate says and Darien smiles at her. "Esther has taken a ton, I'll send some to you!" Darien says and Kate squeals in happiness.

Darien and Evalina leave and head to the car. "Look Evie! Look at your new big sister shirt!" Darien says holding up the shirt he and Esther bought.

It is a white shirt, with three owls on it. It has one big owl with a bow in its hair. The bigger owl is in the middle and is holding the two smaller owl's hands. The baby owls have little bowties on.

The shirt says "Big Sister to Twins!" And the text is pink with flowers inside of it. Underneath that it says Evalina in purple text.

"Aw, it's so toote!" Evalina says happily and claps her hands in excitement. Evalina puts her new shirt on smiles brightly. "Do you need help buckling in, baby?" Darien asks and Evalina nods.

Darien helps Evalina into her booster seat and kisses her cheek. Darien begins to drive to the hospital. "Daddy, are the babies in machines?" Evalina asks with a frown.

"No sweety, the babies are both fine. Who told you that?" Darien asks Evalina confusingly. "Kayla at school said that the babies are in machine when there are twins. Her baby sisters were in the hospital for a wong time." Evalina says sipping her juice.

"Oh, her baby sisters were premature, that's why Evie. When babies come out too early and premature, they have to be in the hospital longer then a few days, so they can get stronger and bigger. Gabriel and Noah are not premature. They are just fine." Darien says as he smiles confidently at Evalina. "Okay! Good!" Evalina says giggling.

- Meanwhile at the hospital -
Esther has both of the babies laying on the bed, next to each other. "Your big sister is coming to see both of you." Esther says kissing both of the boys softly.

Gabriel has a cream onesie with turquoise sleeves and a turquoise hat on. Gabriel's onesie has a giraffe and elephant on it. Noah has a cream onesie on with light green sleeves and a light green hat on. Noah's onesie has a bear and a fox on it.

Darien and Evalina walk into the hospital's gift shop. "Do you want to buy your baby brothers something, Evie?" Darien asks.

"Those two baby bears!" Evalina says smiling as she points to the small blue bears. Darien buys the two blue bears, and he and Evalina head to Esther's room.

Darien and Evalina hold hands as they walk to Esther's hospital room. Darien opens the door quietly and they walk in.

Evalina lights up as she sees her Mama. "Mama!" Evalina says happily. "Hey sweety! Come here, I missed you so so much." Esther says patting the bed softly.

Evalina walks over and looks at the twins, who are snuggling next to each other on the bed.

"Evalina, these are your new baby brothers!" Esther says as she kisses Evalina's cheek.
Evalina looks at her brothers in awe.

Darien walks over to Esther and kisses her twice. "Do you want to sit on the bed with Mama?" Darien asks and Evalina nods.

Darien picks up Evalina and sits her next to Esther. "Watch your legs, okay? So you won't accidentally hit the babies." Darien says and Evalina nods, carefully crossing her legs.

Evalina looks at her brothers and smiles. "This is Gabriel, wearing blue. And this Noah, wearing green." Esther says with a smile. "Hi Gabriel, Hi Noah! I'm Evie!" Evalina says as she waves at her brothers.

Evalina kisses Gabriel and then Noah. "Good girl, Evie." Darien says as he admires Evalina with her new baby brothers.

"Are the babies warm?" Evalina asks worriedly. "They are warm? sweety. That's why they have a hat and blanket on. You are such an amazing big sister!" Esther says as she kisses Evalina.

"Do you want to hold them?" Darien asks Evalina. "Yeah!" Evalina says. "Okay, you can hold Noah first, Mama is going to feed Gabriel." Darien says getting the boppy pillow. Esther begins to feed Gabriel.

"Okay Evie, hold your hands like this. Good job!" Darien says. Darien puts Noah in Evalina's arms. "Good girl, Evie! Holding your baby brother!" Esther says smiling.

"He's cute!" Evalina says as she kisses Noah's cheek. Darien takes pictures of Evalina and Noah together. "I have two brothers! I love them both!" Evalina says.

"Aw, that's so sweet! Do you want to hold Gabriel now? Mama needs to feed Noah." Darien says. "Okay!" Evalina says giggling.

Darien picks up Noah and Esther puts Gabriel in Evalina's arms. "He's cute too!" Evalina says kissing Gabriel.

"Look Evie, look what Daddy has!" Esther says softly. Darien walks over to the bed with Evalina's big sister gift from the twins.

"This is for you, princess! Baby Gabriel and baby Noah wanted to give their big sister a present!" Darien says as he sets the bag on the bed.

"Thank you Daddy, Mama, Gabriel and Noah!" Evalina says smiling. Evalina received a princess doll, a dress and beauty and the beast DVD.

Evalina smiles looking at her brand new gifts. "Thank you Noah and Gabriel!" Evalina says as she looks at her new baby brothers happily.

Esther kisses Darien and smile at how happy Evalina is. Evalina finally has the siblings she has always wanted. Evalina loves her baby brothers! :)

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