"You don't remember anything else? Nothing that happened at the club? Nothing that happened here, afterwards?" She pressed.

I couldn't remember. What the f*ck happened?

"No? What happened?" I asked, worried about what was so bad that had her acting this cold towards me.

"How did you get the ecstasy pill, Harry?" She snapped.

Ecstasy pill?

"What are you talking about?" I asked, genuinely confused. I was not a drug user, I'd never had any craving for it before.

"You don't remember taking the pill?"

"No? I think I would remember that," I snapped.

I tried to think back on last night, but it was all still a blur. I remember walking into the club, and everything since then was a blank memory in my mind.

"You don't remember trying to kiss me, either?"

What the f*ck?

"Are you shitting me? I would never do that. Are you sure you weren't the one high on drugs?" I questioned her credibility right now. I would never have done that, no matter what the circumstance was.

"Harry, you were high on Ecstasy last night. You thought I was Jen, and you tried to kiss me when I dragged you to your room last night. Nothing happened, I stopped it until you realised who I was. I took your phone because I didn't want you calling Jen, and digging yourself into a hole you couldn't get out of."

What the hell was she on about? Why couldn't I remember any of this happening? I couldn't see her making something like this up. Maybe I did take something last night, and that mixed with the alcohol was making my memory a little distorted.

"You didn't tell Jen about any of this, did you?" I panicked, knowing how pissed off she would be at me, if she knew any of my antics last night. If she didn't have my balls about the drugs, she'd certainly would about coming on to her cousin.

"No, you're lucky I didn't. You have a couple of messages from her, maybe you should get back to her," she handed me my phone, with Jen's name at the very top, telling me to call her as soon as I woke up.

"What do I say? I can't remember what happened to even explain," I stared at the screen, trying to figure out how to handle the situation. Should I have even told her? I knew I had to, before she found out from someone else.

"You're going to have to call on the way to set, we have to go now," she stood up, grabbing her things to head out the door.

"I feel sick," my stomach turned, as I hesitantly tapped the button to call Jen. My heart raced a little more with every ring, anxious for how this conversation was going to end.

"Hello," Jen's timid voice, sounded through the phone. She was quiet, and not like her normal, cheerful self. I knew every tone she used, and perfected working out her moods. This was not a good one.

"Hi baby, sorry, just woke up. Is everything okay?" I asked, trying to ease into the conversation, as I kept up with Willow walking miles ahead of me.

"I don't know, Harry. Is it? You tell me," she sighed. She sounded concerned, rather than angry. I didn't think she knew about anything Willow had told me. How would she of?

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