Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

"We did everything we could, we're so sorry," were the first and last words I heard before my world came crashing down around me.

Everything was a blur, my heart was pounding, blood rushed to my head, and I couldn't breathe. My throat was burning as the tears began to swell up in my eyes, and my chest was becoming tight from the anxiety and pain rushing through me right now.

They did everything they could? Who the f*ck even was this doctor? This wasn't Nate, I couldn't believe anything until I heard it from his mouth directly. I looked around the waiting room and saw Sam standing with my mum, Gemma, and Angus, all four of them looked relatively calm for what had just happened.

Lauren and Ryan seemed to be comforting the women I had seen earlier, whom I still didn't know the identity of. I was confused, why was I the only one that seemed distraught over this? Me and this woman I didn't know the name of.

"Harry, are you okay baby? You know your sister wasn't trying to be insensitive or anything, her relationship is more complicated than you and I understand," my mum came over once she spotted me.

"What's going on? Why did the doctor say they did everything they could to Jen? Where is she?" I asked panicked.

"What? Jen? No sweetheart we haven't had word on her yet, that was the doctor of Jen's friend," she explained to me.

"What friend?" I was confused. So it wasn't Jen they were referring to, there was still a possibility she would make it.

"Bella, she was in a car wreck, the doctor was just explaining that they did everything they could in surgery to stabilise her. She's in a coma, they can't guarantee she will wake up. Not much more was said, so I'm unsure on her condition or anything."

Bella was in the car wreck Jen and I saw on the way to the hospital. While Jen was bringing our daughter into the world, she was losing her best friend at the same time.

I felt selfish for being relieved, like I was a heartless prick for mentally thanking God this wasn't Jen, and I hadn't lost her...yet. He wasn't this selfish to take her from me, we still had a long life to live together, with our little girl.

"Are you and Bella good friends?" Mum asked me, and I didn't know how to respond. I couldn't stand the girl, but I didn't want to sound insensitive by saying I didn't care for her.

The whole situation was ironic really, she had wished bad upon Jen and our unborn child, and she had ended up the one in a critical condition, the day our daughter was born.

No matter how many ill feelings I felt towards her, I knew this would hurt Jen, and seeing her distraught over losing her friend for good, was a mental image that kicked in the sympathy for Bella and her family.

"We weren't friends...who is that woman?" I asked, referring to the crying lady in Lauren's arms.

"Bella's mum," she told me.

"Where is she?" A male voice came from behind me. He sounded panicked, so I turned to see whom the voice belonged to, only for my blood to boil over again at the sight of who it was.

"What are you doing here?" He looked at me confused.

"Jake..." Bella's mum called him over before I could respond, and he pushed past me to get to her.

"Who is that?" Mum asked me.

"That's Bella's boyfriend, who also happen's to be Jen's ex boyfriend. He's a disgusting excuse for a man, I despise him," I glared at him.

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