I did my hair and put on some make up and clothes, that's when the door flew open

"Bitch what's taki-....damn girl you look hot and I hope that your wearing the under garments I picked out" she winked and I could feel heat creeping up from my cheeks.

"Yes I am and thank you I didn't know what to wear." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

"Well your welcome.... I think is that even a compliment?" Giggling I went down stairs scanning Kitai standing at the bottom of the stairs smiling. He was in black leather boots a Navy blue skinny jeans Navy blue shirt and his leather jacket .... Did he line up cause is edges are slick... He's so cute. Holding out his hands he guided me down.

"Well you look ravishing" I blushed and turn to J why is she always smirking at me?

"I'm not here. Don't burn down the house, don't keep any parties and most of all I DON'T need Eric over here you guys are like rabbits humping all over the god damn house and I'm not cleaning it up this time..... Oh and don't wait up" I winked at her and she just laugh. I was serious though, the last time they were in my bed, the sofa, the fucking kitchen counter! it literally took me months to take their images out of my head. it was her heat though  that's why I pardon her but I won't do that again.

"Yes mama is there anything else you missed off the lists of the dont's?" She asked sarcastically in a child like voice

"Oh yes my dear sweet child this is my number and Kitai's number in case there's an emer-" she threw a cushion at me

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I couldn't resist... Well I'll be going bye my sweet child" I laughed so hard I completely forgot he was standing there

When we arrived into the car we drive in silence.  Is he OK?

"Did I do something?" I asked scanning his face, he frowned.

"No, what makes you think that?"

"Well you haven't said a word to me since we came into the car" I looked in his eyes is ....is he nervous?

"Can I turn on the radio?" Avoiding my question I wanted to hit him upside his head "and to answer your question I'm fine I'm just thinking" this guy though.

We arrived at the theater and decided to watch 'Why did I get Married Too' and can I tell you Angela is crazy I laughed so hard my cheek hurts.

"Are you hungry?" He asked hell yes

"Yea what do you wanna have?" I looked in his eyes and see them turning darker 'you' my wolf teased but I thought about that's what he was saying in his head.. .... God dammit Liz will you stop

"Anything your having " I swallowed hard is he sure about that?

"Yea.....am OK let's go to burger king" I wanted some king OK don't judge

We went through the drive thru cause I won't be standing in the line for hours..... OK maybe not hours but you get my drift. Waiting in the car he kept looking on me like I was the only one existed in the world. It made my heart Skipp a beat and it seemed he noticed because he just chuckled and took or order.

" 2 number 1, extra fries and go large OK...... Oh and two chocolate pies.... And for our beverage Pepsi for the sexy lady and sprite cause I'm right..... Right?" He asked all I did was smiled and nod because he was indeed right about everything on the order. I needed those go larges.

"That will be $29" the cashier said and we drove up to collect he gave her 30 dollars " keep the change " he winked and I laughed

"Its 1 dollar  Kitai! seriously, you could have tipped her better" I giggled

We went to our chill hut to eat its been so long since I've been here. The place still kept clean like before but something was different.  I smelt the same wild berries and cinnamon but it was faint. Who was here?

"Hey are you OK?" He asked with a concerned look

"Yea I'm ahh OK.... Was someone here? I'm scenting another scent" I tried to keep a straight face.

"Ahh... Yea my beta was here James.  I made him stay here the first time I came to the house but it wasn't for long though" my wolf was getting uneasy making me nervous and paranoid.

"You sure your OK? I'm sor-" I cut him off he did nothing wrong

"No no its OK let's eat I'm starving"

A ha ha ha no there's no mature content in this one

Sorry for the errors

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XOXO- Char😘😘😘💓

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