Violet Skies (Greaser!Lock)

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John frowned and stepped up beside Sherlock, shouldering past Molly.  She let out a small gasp, backing against the wall and her eyes flicking around.

"What's going on here Sherlock?"  John asked, studying Molly carefully.

Sebastian answered for him, slinging his arm around Molly's shoulders, "you all are just in time.  It seems little Soc girl here wandered into the wrong territory.  I think she should learn a little lesson about boundaries," Sebastian leaned close towards Molly, grinning.  His breath smelled like tobacco, "don't you think?"

Molly's eyes widened, "I-I wasn't looking where I was g-going I promise.  Just let me g-go and I'll never come back again."  Sebastian's grin widened.

"I love it when they beg," he whispered in her ear.  Terror fell across Molly's face and a few laughs arose from the crowd.  John frowned at the scene, shoving his hands in his pockets.  He looked at Sherlock expectantly but he didn't notice, staring at Sebastian with a frown.

"Let her go, Sebastian," Sherlock said.  The laughs died down almost instantly.  Molly gulped in fear and a hard look flashed across Sebastian's face. 

"Fancy the Soc, Sherlock?"  He sneered, spitting out Sherlock's name.  Sherlock's face didn't change, staying slightly annoyed.

"You're being unreasonable Sebastian.  Just let her go, she hasn't caused you any trouble," Sherlock said.  He plucked a cigarette from behind his ear, spinning it it his fingers in disinterest.  

Anger flashed across Sebastian's face, "she caused me trouble when she led me straight to you," he muttered.
The other Greasers that stood around narrowed their eyes, mumbling quiet protests in favor of Sherlock.

Rage lit Sebastian's eyes.  He shoved Molly and shouldered past her, stepping up to Sherlock.  Sherlock watched him in disinterest.

"They may worship you," Sebastian whispered fiercely into Sherlock's ear, "but Moriarty won't be happy."

Amusement tugged on the corner of Sherlock's lips, "I could care less about Jimmy," he lightly pushed Sebastian out of the way and held a hand to Molly, "c'mon Soc, let's get you out of here."

Molly hesitantly took his hand.  A few of the Greasers let out whoops but they were silenced with a glare from John.  She took a few staggered steps as Sherlock began to pull her from the group.  Molly looked back, seeing that a few of the Greasers made to follow them but John stepped in front of the crowd, folding his arms over his chest.

It wasn't long before Sherlock had led Molly out of the alleyway.  By now the dark reigned completely over the sky, littered with stars.  Molly looked behind her shoulder fearfully, as if expecting Sebastian to jump out at any moment.

"Thank you," she cried breathlessly, throwing her arms around Sherlock in a grateful hug.  He tensed but awkwardly pat her back, looking around.

"Sebastian's an asshole.  Just- stay clear from Greaser territories.  You never know what he'll stir up," Sherlock said when Molly pulled back, crossing his arms over his chest.  Molly nodded vigorously, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and hoping the dark concealed her blush.

"I owe you one.  Sorry, but why have I never seen you around?"  Sherlock studied her carefully and Molly fought the urge to shift under his intense stare.

"School got boring for me," was all he said.  Molly blinked, opening her mouth to further press the topic but she decided against it, instead nodding.

"Well, uh, thank you again.  Sorry if I caused you trouble."

Sherlock shook his head, "somebody needs to set things straight with Sebastian," a grim look set over his eyes, "one day he'll push things too far and regret it.  But for now he thinks he rules us."

Molly gave Sherlock a small smile, pressing her book tightly to her chest, "I don't think anybody can rule you."

Sherlock tilted his head at her and watched Molly curiously, an inquisitive look set in his eyes.  Molly gulped and avoided his stare, focusing on her shoes.

"I'd better get going.  My mother will be worried sick." Sherlock nodded, still staring at her.

"Then I'll walk you home- the last thing we need if for Sebastian to jump you again."  Molly nodded, her eyes wide, and began to walk, Sherlock trailing alongside her.

"Thank you.  Again," Molly said when they'd come to her doorstep.  Sherlock nodded.

"It's amazing how many times a person can apologize in one night," Molly blushed and looked down at her feet.

"Yeah well I mean it every time," she said.  To Molly's surprise, Sherlock gave her a small smile. 

"Tomorrow meet me at the diner, 6:00."  Molly blinked in surprise, her eyebrows shot up. 

"I-I've got homework." 

"Won't be for long.  Just dinner.  My treat."

"I-I just... what if I don't?"

Sherlock tilted his head to the side, smiling, "well the way I see it, I just saved you.  That means you owe me a favor.  This is me calling in for a favor.  A-"

"Date?"  Molly was smiling now.  Sherlock shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground.

"Call it what you want," he grumbled with a shrug.  Molly's smile widened and she shifted on her heels, thinking.

"Alright, I'll meet you at 5:30."

Sherlock blinked, "6:00."

Molly grinned as she opened the door, stepping inside, "I eat dinner at 5:30," she said and shut the door.  Sherlock stood, blinking. 

"Alright then," he said to no one in particular, a small smile upon his lips, "5:30 it is."

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