Chapter 44

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Louis's P.O.V.

Emma slaps me in the face hard. Here I am at her feet begging for forgiveness. I need her. I love her.

"You think that you can just come around, say you're sorry and everything will be okay? Well, it's not! Every time it's the same! And I don't need you! I don't love you anymore! I love Harry!" She yells. I look at her hand. A wedding band?

"You guys got married?!"

"Yeah, obviously you wouldn't know because you haven't talked to me in years! It's been 9 years Louis! 9 god damn years!" She aged well. She's just as beautiful.

"I know and I'm sorry. If you just..." I stop when I see a child behind Emma's leg.

"You both have a kid?" I ask. The little girl behind her leg looks frightened.

"Yes! Now leave or I'll call the cops!" Emma yells. I stare at the child.

"Mommy, I don't like that man! He's scary!" The child cries into Emma's leg.

"Get out!" Emma yells again.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Harry yells and walks in. Great, just great.

"That man is being mean to mommy." The little girl tells her father. Harry approaches me.

"Leave me and my family alone!" He punches me square in the face. Blood runs from my nose and I hit the ground. He punches me repeatedly and I hear Emma scream.

I scream and wake up sweating through my shirt. I'm out of breath. I get out of bed and go downstairs to get water once again. The thought of Harry and Emma having a kid makes my heart ache. I love her. I that how she felt about me and Sophie? I take off my shirt and go back upstairs once my water is finished. That was the worst nightmare that I have ever had.

I climb back into bed, but I can't seem to fall asleep. I take out my journal and write something down on the page.

'You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you.'

I've been writing a song about, Emma. I know it's weird, but it just felt right. It doesn't matter if anyone ever hears it. But, maybe one day, I'll sing it for Emma. I'll see that beautiful smile that I miss so much. And things will be the way the should've been all along. But, from the looks of it, that day will never come.

( Cheesy, I know. Don't forget to vote! Book is almost over 😭😭😭. Thanks again for everything and please read the sequel!)

On The Outside ( A Louis Tomlinson fan fiction )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz