Chapter 16

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Emma's P.O.V.

The funeral is about to begin and it's almost time for my speech. Niall's hand is on my knee comforting me. He knows how hard this is for me. Ken was my brother and no one understands. No one ever will.

I step up to the podium and look around the room. My mother is already crying and my father is trying to control his emotions. He's doing a pretty good job. I take the deep breath and exhale.

"Ken was a great man and I'm sure his family and friends would agree. He always seemed to brighten up the room when he walked into one. When Ken and I were kids, we would fight with nerf guns and have our own little battles. Ever since he was little, he wanted to be in the army and serve for our country. And I'm sure if he could've chose his way to leave this world, it would be fighting for us. Ken will never be forgotten and he is always with us. Thank you." I step away from the podium and walk back to my seat.

"Good job." Niall whispers in my ear and kisses my cheek. It was hard to say. I loved Ken and miss him with all my heart. I had always dreamed that he would come home and when he dies, I was rudely awakened. The rest of the ceremony consists of tears and tissues. Everyone loved Ken and everybody knew him. No one hated him, not a single person. Even his ex girlfriends loved him. I was always trying to be just like him, kind and caring, but also tough. But, I never succeeded, he was just a perfect guy who no one could compare to.

After the funeral, Niall drives me home and drops me off. Every time I look at him, I try to imagine Louis, but it never works. As soon as I get to my house, I decide to call him.

"Hey, Em." He says dryly.


"What's up?"

"Just got home from the funeral."

"Oh yeah, that was today. Sorry I couldn't make it."

"It's fine."

"Okay." Silence passes for a few

"How's Sophie?"


"That's good."

"We um... we are getting married." What? What the hell?

"Louis it's too soon..."

"No it's not. I need to be a good dad and to do that I need to only be with Sophie. For the rest of my life."

"This is because of your father, isn't it?"

"It has nothing to do with him, Emma. You don't know everything! You think you do, but you don't." He raises his voice.

"I don't know everything and I never said that I did! You are going to regret doing this, Louis! You're not thinking straight!"

"I am so! I only want to be with Sophie and my son or daughter!"

"Okay!" Marriage at 18? What is he thinking?

"What about... us?" I ask, sadness is clear within my voice.

"There is no us and there never will be." The line goes dead and I begin to cry.

On The Outside ( A Louis Tomlinson fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now