Chapter 19

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Louis's P.O.V.

"Is there anyone else?" I say. Please let there be.

"I'm afraid not. We have to do surgery on her back and he's the only one who has that type of blood anywhere near here." I sigh. Of course, this is just my luck.

"Do you know his location?" This is for Emma.

"233 course street."

"I'll find him tomorrow. Can you give her the blood then?"

"Sure, sir." She walks away. I go back to Emma's room. She still lays on the bed, only breathing slightly. I kneel next to the hospital bed.

"Louis?" She says in a little voice. At least I think she did. Did she? I really need to get some sleep.

"Emma?" I reply. Hopefully, I am not just imagining that she said my name.

"I'm going to die aren't I?" She asks in a whisper.

"No, Emma, you're not. I'm going to get someone to save you."

"If I do, at least... I'll be.... with Ken..." she passes out. I'm sure it was because of the shortage of blood. I will not let her die. I get to my car and drive Sophie home. I don't tell her what I said to Emma. I don't even know if Emma knows that I said that to her.

Once I get home, I attempt to sleep. It doesn't work and I don't even know why I try. This is going to be a long night.

Emma's P.O.V.

I wish that I could've replied to the things that Louis said to me. I just didn't have the energy. I can't even manage to open up my eyes. My back is killing me. Apparently, I did something to my spine and need surgery, but there is only a slight chance that I will be able to have it done. If I don't get it done, I may need to be in a wheelchair or just die. I hope Ken is watching over me, in my terrible state. How does Louis know that I am not going to die? What is he doing right now? All this thinking makes my head hurt even more.

I feel like I got hit by a big ass truck. Oh yeah, that's what happened. I can't seem to get over the fact that that happened. One second I'm buying my new car, and the next I get in an accident. What a great turn of events.

But out of all of this, Louis told me that he loved me and how much he did. He is the sweetest, most kind guy. And to think, I was heart broken for the past 4 months over this guy and now I love him, again. Like I ever stopped.

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