Chapter 22

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Emma's P.O.V.

I get into Niall's car and take one last look at the hospital. Louis was right. I stayed in the hospital for only a few more days and now I am on my way home. It was nice to get away from everything and just think. I just wish that I didn't have to get in a car accident to be able to actually think about my life. We sit in silence for most of the ride. I look over at him a few times and study his face. Niall has no expression or emotion in his features.

"I thought that you would never come home." He says plainly.

"I can't help but think that this is my fault. If I would've taken you to a different car dealer..."

"Niall, this wasn't your fault." I give him a sincere look.

"What if you wouldn't have lived? I wouldn't be able to live with myself." He looks into my eyes. His blue eyes seem to cut through me.

"But, I did live and you have to stop thinking 'what if'." I put my hand on his thigh and he nods. None of this was his fault and it kills me to see him this way. I care for Niall, just not as much as I care for Louis. I need to tell him eventually that I have cheated on him. Just not now. I need to wait till this whole car crash thing blows over. We pull into my driveway and to be honest, I don't want to get out. The last thing I need is my mother sobbing and my father not giving a shit about what happened to me. Niall kisses me on the lips and I kiss him back. His kisses are sweet and gentle. Louis's light a fire inside me and make me feel alive.

"Have you been kissing someone else? You're kissing differently." He breaks our kiss and looks at me.

"No, well maybe the surgeon. Oh his doctor's degree made me lose it." I act like a fan girl and pretend to swoon over him. We both laugh and kiss, again. After our goodbyes, I head straight to my room and let Bella come with me. She sits on my bed with me and curls into a ball on my lap. I take out my phone and checked for any messages or missed calls. None. How can Louis and I make out one second and say we love each other, and then the next act like nothing happened. Louis is keeping me on the edge and this time I'm not going to fall into his trap. Who am I kidding? The next time I see him, we will either argue or make out. As long as I am spending time with him. That's so messed up, Emma. I can't help it.

Louis's P.O.V.

I walk through the front door and into Sophie's house. She's waiting for me in a long flowing shirt and sweat pants. Her eyebrows are arched and her mouth is in a straight line.

"Where were you?" She asks sternly.

"Visiting Emma. She got out of the hospital this morning, so I don't need to visit her anymore. Emma is my friend and when she needs me I'll be there."

"Emma this, Emma that. Louis, I am your fiancé! We barely spend anytime together, because you are always off helping her. I am pregnant with your baby for Pete's sake!" She throws her hands in the air and walks into the living room and I follow her.

"I stayed awake two nights ago until 3:00 in the morning and you never came. I am important, too, Louis! I need the father of my child comforting me when I'm almost 7 months pregnant now and where are you? With that damn Emma!"

"Don't you talk about Emma like that. Ever! I have stayed with you in your house for the past two months and somehow, you think that I don't spend time with you? Bullshit! I sleep with you every night and stay up watching whatever fucking show you want! So don't you dare talk about me that way, either!" I yell. She is so out of line speaking of Emma that way.

"Congratulations, Louis, you know what living together means! You're supposed to do that stuff anyways! What happened to date nights and pizza night? All I do now is sit at home eating and sleeping, because I'm fucking pregnant! You should be here going through it with me!"

"Don't treat me like a child! I do just as much for this baby as you do. I actually have a job and bring in money and all you do is sit on your lazy ass doing nothing!"

"My lazy ass?! Well, my lazy ass just kicked you out of the bed! Have fun on the coach!"


"No what?" She yells.

"I am not sleeping on the coach!"

"This is my house and you do what I say!"

"Then maybe I'll just leave "your" house."

"And where will you go, Einstein?" She says in a smart Alec way.

"Emma's." I slam the front door and dial Emma's number. I am done with all Sophie's bullshit. She's lucky I'm even still together with her! Most men would leave. She needs to realize what she has. So what if her hormones are crazy? I deserve respect.

"Hello?" Emma asks. She must have been sleeping.

"Hey, can I stay at your place tonight? I don't have anywhere else to go."

"Sure, no problem. Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"It's a long story."

"I'm awake now. I've got time." I love how she is so nosy, but is so cute when she waits for a response. I begin to explain to her what happen as I pull out of Sophie's driveway and begin to drive to Emma's house.

(Hey guys! Don't forget to vote! So tell me which couple is your favorite? Thanks love you all!)

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