Chapter 36

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Emma's P.O.V.

HIS cold eyes stare at me. I don't move until Harry puts his hand on my back and guides us to two chairs. I take a seat, though I can feel HIS eyes on me. Why is he here? Why does he always come around when I don't want to see him?

"Hey guys!" Zayn calls. His arm is around a girl with light blonde hair. She is beautiful, just how I imagined her to be.

"This is my girlfriend, Perrie." He gestures to the girl next to him. I wave to her and she waves back with a smile. I like her already and I don't even know her. I look over at Liam and he has this girl sitting on his lap. She has gorgeous long brown hair and is wearing a head band with a small bow on it. And Liam isn't smoking or drinking? I laugh to myself.

"Who's that girl over there?" I whisper to Harry.

"Oh, that's Camila. We call her Cam, though. She goes to our old school and visits often." He whispers back.

"Are her and Liam dating?"

"Um, no one really knows."

"Oh." I look back over at them. Liam looks into her eyes, hanging on her every word. He really likes her. I remember when Louis used to... damn it! I said his name and thought about the past.

"Are you okay?" Harry asks me. I shrug.

"Is it because of him? Cause I can..."

"You don't have to do anything. You've already done so much. I don't know where I would be without you." I smile.

"I just hate to see you upset, that's all. Hey, tell you what. I'll just piss him off real quick. Please..." Harry begs.

"Okay." I laugh. Harry puts his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder. HIS eyes dart right to Harry's arm and HE looks infuriated. It makes me feel... good? He deserves it... I think.

"I'm going to go out with Liam and Zayn for a second. Will you be okay?" Harry asks.

"Sure." I smile and I watch the three boys leave and they take HIM with them, thank god. Camila and Perrie come and sit next to me.

"Hey, I'm Cam." Cam smiles. She is even prettier up close. She's wearing Liam's black leather jacket and it looks so cute on her. Her legs are so skinny and I am a little envious.

"Hi, I'm Emma. It's nice to meet you both."

"You, too." They both say in unison. We all laugh. It's nice to actually be talking to girls who aren't slapping me or trying to hurt my feelings.

"So, you and Harry?" Perrie asks.

"Oh no, we are just friends. I'm going through a break up right now. He's like my best friend." I reply.

"Oh, sorry I just thought..."

"It's okay." I smile.

"So, Cam, are you seeing anybody?" I ask without thinking.

"Um, I don't know to be honest. I mean, I like Liam, but he has never made anything official." Cam says shyly.

"Oh, so it's complicated?" Perrie asks. Cam nods.

"Do you guys know where a bathroom is?" I ask.

"Yeah, down that hall to the right." Cam says. I thank her and head that way. With my luck, I am stopped by none other then HIM at the bathroom door.

(Hey guys! If you were wondering Perrie is herself and Cam is Camila Cabello from Fifth Harmony. Don't forget to vote! ily all!)

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