Chapter 2

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Emma's P.O.V

For the rest of the car ride, Sophie and Louis talked about all the things they did this summer. In a perfect world, that would be the summer that I had with Louis, riding bikes, going to his cabin, watching sunsets together, having picnics. But, this isn't a perfect world and it never will be. As we pull into a parking spot, I take in my surroundings. My high school hasn't changed at all. The stairs leading to the building are filled with students, mostly anxious freshman. Before I can hear anymore about the summer I wish I had, I climb out of the car. The last thing I want to do is make myself more upset then I already am. I glance over at the garden. It is still filled with beautiful flowers and wooden benches. Louis promised me when we were freshman that he would get us to sit there before we graduate. I smile as I picture us sitting on a wooden bench with his arm around me. I need to stop thinking this way. He isn't mine and probably never will be. Why did I say probably? He never will be mine. Ever. So much for having a good first day. I walk to my first class and take a seat in the front row. I'm a pretty good student with mostly A's and B's. I take out my notebooks and set them down on my desk. I stay focused on my paper as everyone makes there way into the classroom. I wish Louis was in this class. He would sit next of me and make jokes about how overly tight the teacher's pants were. I shake my head and can't help but smile.

"What's so funny, Miss Hail?" The teacher asks with a disappointed look. His pants are really tight and show off things that are unpleasant to the eye.

"Nothing. Sorry Mr.Peabody." His name suits his appearance. He has a comb-over and his suit is three sizes too small. Louis would ask him a bunch of questions about where he got his clothes and he would make the entire class laugh. I push my thoughts about Louis to the back of my mind. I start to focus on what Mr.Peabody is saying about the syllabus, but he is interrupted by a curly haired boy barging into the classroom.

"Late as usual, Mr.Styles?" Mr.Peabody scolds the gorgeous young man. I can't help but stare at him. His beautiful green eyes and his flushed cheeks as he takes the seat next to me. I manage to break my stare and try to focus on what my teacher is saying. To my surprise, the bell rings and everyone gathers there things and leaves the classroom. That class seemed to go by faster then I expected. I begin my long walk to history, but I am stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to the gorgeous curly haired boy.

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