Chapter 3

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Emma's P.O.V.

His beautiful green eyes are focused on mine. I can't help but stand in awe at his appearance. His white smile is as white as winter snow and his lips are full and wonderful. And his hair... don't even get me started on his hair. It complements all his other features and here I am with a messy bun and no make up. C'mon Em, this is just sad.

"Hi, I'm Harry. I'm new here." Harry says as his smile grows. is he smiling at me like that? Am I causing this beautiful smile?

" Um..uh.. Hi I'm Emma. It's nice to meet you." Way to go Emma.

" It's nice to meet you, too." What? Did he just say that?

" I was wondering if I could um... ask for directions? I don't really know where I am going." The happiness that was building inside me fades. Of course he wasn't going to ask me to lunch or on a date. I am so stupid.

"Yeah sure where to?" I ask. I want to help him. He seems super nice and he is an attractive boy who is actually paying me any attention.


"That's where I'm going, too. We can just walk together. If you want to. If you don't that's fine, I completely understand but if you do that's great I mean good-"

"Sounds good." He gives me a big smile. Real smooth Emma. Even after I babble to him, he still walks with me? This guy must be really desperate for friends. I walk next to him and ask him where he came from. He tells me all about how he was born in England and moved near here about 4 years ago. He lives with his mom, because his dad died in a car accident when he was 8. He went to another school before transferring here. We talk about our favorite books and foods and we both love the same things. I wish the conversation would never end.

We arrive at the history room and I look around to see who is in the class. I don't recognize anyone, but Harry leads me to two guys and tells me to sit next to him. Since when do we have so many new kids?

" This is Zayn and this is Liam." Harry gestures to the two boys he had us sit next to. Zayn and Liam are both attractive as well.

"The first day of school and Harry already has a new girlfriend." Zayn remarks as Liam laughs. Harry's smile turns into a frown.

"She isn't my girlfriend. We are just friends." He states. Zayn gives him a playful punch in the arm and they both laugh.

"Well if she isn't taken, can she be mine?" Liam smirks and Harry gives him a look and Liam shuts up real quick. I would too. Harry is sweet and all, but he looks like he could beat the crap out of someone. The class begins and ends within what seems like minutes and I gather my things. Harry and I exchanged glances and at some points we were both staring at each other. He follows me out of the classroom and walks down the hall with me, again. Next period is my lunch period and I can't wait to get the garden seats with Louis. Louis. I haven't thought about him in hours. I was too distracted by Harry. This is good for you, Emma. You shouldn't be thinking about him anyways. I pull myself back into reality.

"I have lunch next period. Do you maybe want to sit by me?" Harry says and looks at me with pleading eyes. Well, they look pleading to me, but I could be wrong.

"I'm supposed to be sitting with someone else. Thanks, though." Did I seriously just reject him? What is wrong with me?

"With your boyfriend? I should've known you had one with as pretty as you are..." Did he just call me pretty?

"No, I mean I don't have a boyfriend and I was going to sit with my best friend." I clearly state. We are approaching the garden and my mouth drops open. Louis and her... Sophie.. Louis and Sophie are sitting on our bench! Louis and I picked it out freshman year and he's sitting there without me and with her?! I am infuriated and I forget that Harry is standing right next to me. I turn to face him and grab his hand.

"Do you think I could take you up on your offer?" I ask and he nods and keeps ahold of my hand at we walk the other way. I can feel Louis's eyes on us and it makes me smile as we walk away to find a better spot.

On The Outside ( A Louis Tomlinson fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now